Search Results for: council

Sigenergy Battery: If It Lives Up To The Claims – It’ll Be Amazing

sigenergy inverter and battery

*Updated 18/3/24: Errors corrected based on Sigenergy feedback

In the rapidly evolving world of renewable energy and storage, we have often seen products that spark a lot of interest, but turn out to be a flash in the pan. So, you’ll have to forgive my scepticism when a brand-new company puts out a well-orchestrated media release, rave reviews and a showy launch bringing yet more new products to a crowded market.

Sigenergy is certainly making noise, announcing a new range of all-singing, all-dancing, all-in-one energy solutions.

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Dynamic Solar Exports Are Mandatory In Victoria From Today

Dynamic solar exports Victoria

Today (March 1st) is “D Day” for inverters installed under Solar Victoria’s rebate programs. “D” for dynamic, that is. [Read more…]

City Living With An EV: Charging Solutions for Those Without Driveways

Power to the pavement

Living in the city makes it hard for electric car owners without off-street parking. It’s tough to find a place to charge, dissuading many inner city dwellers from buying electric cars.
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Self-Cleaning Solar: Why You Should Avoid Flat Solar Panels

dirty solar panels

You may have heard that flat solar panels require regular cleaning, but those angled at 10° or more don’t. But is it really true? [Read more…]

Want 3-Phase Battery Backup? Here Are Your Options In 2024

3 phase wiring diagram for full home backup from Sungrow

So you have a 3-phase supply to your place, and you’d like solar with battery backup?

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Common Battery Installation Issues: Insights from an Electrical Inspector

As home battery systems start to go mainstream, the focus on the safety and compliance of these systems becomes ever more critical. In this post, I will navigate the complexities of grid-connected battery system installations, uncover common challenges installers face, and underscore the pivotal role of the Australian home battery standard: AS/NZS5139:2019. [Read more…]

Should You Have A Home Battery Safety Plan?

Home battery safety plan

Many local councils actively promote the importance of having a bushfire survival plan to residents. Given the potential risks associated with home batteries, should homeowners also have a dedicated emergency response plan for their home battery systems? [Read more…]

George And His Terrible Solar Install

Photos of a poor solar installation.

There are dents in the roof and solar panels right behind the air conditioner.

Some weeks ago, I was cruising the wilds of social media and found a solar thread causing a stir. The victim of a shoddy solar installation was seeking help, and of course, a few comedians were making light of the misfortune. [Read more…]

Trees Overshadowing Solar Panels: State And Territory Rules

Overshadowing trees vs solar panels

Save the trees? What about saving the solar panels? Dare I say it, I like trees even more than solar panels, and that’s a hell of a lot. But in a cruel twist of irony, it’s obvious they are not compatible bedfellows. [Read more…]

Your ‘Right To Light’: Solar Panel Overshadowing Rules By State

Building overshadowing solar panels

Overshadowing of solar panels by new neighbouring developments is a recurring problem that some SolarQuotes readers have first-hand experience with. This is an issue that’s not going away soon. It’s only getting worse as our cities grow. [Read more…]

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