Search Results for: south australia

Advanced (Smart) Meter Rollout In Western Australia

Smart meters - Western Australia

Western Power is to install 238,000 advanced (aka smart) meters as part of its routine meter replacement program, and for all new meter installations. [Read more…]

The Best Tilt For Solar Panels By Australian Capital: It’s Not Equal To Latitude

best solar panel tilt angles

This article is about the best angle to tilt solar panels for the maximum possible energy yield over a year.  It’s a common belief that panel tilt from horizontal should equal a location’s latitude, but this is not quite correct. [Read more…]

Hanwha Energy Seeking Australian Electricity Retailer Status

Hanwha Energy Retail Australia - Electricity Retailer Authorisation

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) announced yesterday it has accepted an electricity retailer authorisation application from Hanwha Energy Retail Australia (Hanwha ERA). [Read more…]

Australia’s Pumped Hydro Prospects “Destroy” Wind And Solar Arguments

Pumped Storage Hydropower (PSH)

Research out of ANU indicates pumped hydro storage projects already on the board are “more than enough to back up the grid”. [Read more…]

Another Study Confirms Solar’s Popularity Among Australia’s Battlers

Australian electricity bill study

That solar power is a plaything for the rich is a myth that has been busted time and again, but it never hurts to have a fresh reminder given the furphy still regularly pops up. [Read more…]

Australian Coal Power Will Be Quickly Killed By Low Cost Renewables

Coal being pushed out by wind and solar power

Low Cost Renewables Will Soon Drive Coal Power Out Of The Market

Last month the entire country sweltered under an oppressive heatwave — except the half known as Western Australia.  As air conditioner power consumption soared on the 25th, 40% of Victoria’s coal generators failed followed by rolling blackouts. When faced with this incontrovertible evidence of coal’s unreliability, the government dedicated itself to the rapid phaseout of coal under its “affordable, reliable 24/7 power” program.

Sorry, only kidding.  What they actually did was offer to pay the debts of new coal power stations that go bust. [Read more…]

More Solar Energy For Toll Group In Australia

Solar panels on Toll Express Parcels Bungarribee depot

Transport and logistics giant Toll Group has announced completion of a large rooftop solar array atop the Toll Express Parcels Bungarribee depot in northwest Sydney. [Read more…]

Solar Panel Scammers Active In Perth’s South-East

Solar panel scams

Image: MrRick

Door-to-door solar power system sales have somewhat of a bad reputation. Unfortunately, it’s well-deserved. [Read more…]

New South Wales Electric And Hybrid Vehicle Plan Unveiled

New South Wales Electric And Hybrid Vehicle Plan

The NSW Government says it will invest millions in fast charging points for electric vehicles, trial electric bus services and buy more electric and hybrid government vehicles. [Read more…]

Australian Power Project Pushing For HELE Coal

A new report ranking power prices in the National Electricity Market makes some curious claims about so-called high-efficiency, low emissions (HELE) coal fired power generation. [Read more…]

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