Search Results for: coal ash

Canadian Solar’s Q3 Results

Canadian Solar panels

Canadian Solar shipped more solar panel capacity in the third quarter than guidance predicted and the firm is planning a significant increase in module manufacturing capacity. [Read more…]

Call For Victorian Solar Farms To Pay Council Rates

The Municipal Association of Victoria wants to see solar farms and other electricity generators in the state coughing up more cash to councils. [Read more…]

Bloody Hell! Fuel Economy Of Australian Cars Has Been Getting Worse Since 2015!

Australian vehicle fuel efficiency

We urgently need to reduce emissions of CO2 and particulates. But car efficiency in Australia is getting worse. WTAF?

I’ve got some bad news about vehicle efficiency in Australia.  It’s going backwards.  And I don’t mean cars are now driving in reverse, sucking up smog and spitting out petrol.  Despite the fact that we urgently need to slash our emissions, the average fuel efficiency of Australian vehicles has been getting worse. [Read more…]

Victorian Greens Continue Push For 100% Renewable Energy By 2030

Victoria Greens - renewable energy

Dr. Tim Read MP | via Facebok

The Victorian Greens will move an amendment in State Parliament this week to boost the Victorian Renewable Energy Target for 2030 to 100%. [Read more…]

SolarQuotes Vodcast Episode 26 : Zen And The Art Of Solar

Discover what’s happening with the CEC and Facebook, Victorian solar rebate fiasco update, “blue hydrogen” peril, a beautiful off-grid solar power system and more. [Read more…]

Indigo Council Declares Climate Emergency, Aims For 100% Renewables

Indigo Shire Council

Victoria’s Indigo Shire Council voted to declare a climate emergency last week and join dozens of councils looking to slash emissions and energy costs with a renewables PPA. [Read more…]

Incompetent Andrews Government Refuses To Admit Mistake. Would Rather Hurt Victorians.

Victorian solar rebate mess

An exclusive shot of Solar Victoria’s efficient new process for handling solar installation businesses.

Well, that’s it.  They have made their decision.  The Andrews Government in Victoria had a clear moral choice.  They could either… [Read more…]

Moody’s Economic Report On Climate Change: $100 Trillion In Economic Damage By 2100

Moody's Economic Report On Climate Change

And they are talking real dollars – not Zimbabwe dollars.

Attention, fellow capitalists!  Our god, the Moody’s rating agency, has put out a report on the economic effects of climate change and — in return for a small fee — I will tell you all about it.  Just put $50 in an envelope and mail it to me and then keep reading.  I trust you. [Read more…]

Has Daniel Andrews Killed The Residential Solar Industry In Victoria?

Victorian solar rebate botched

Many small and medium Victorian solar businesses are on their knees. The Victorian Government is killing them with its botched solar rebate.

This is serious. Really serious. Good businesses will go bust,  families will lose homes unless drastic action is taken. Now. Right now. [Read more…]

Europe’s Largest Conservation Charity Dumping Fossil Fuel Investments

National Trust fossil fuel divestment

Image: National Trust

National Trust announced yesterday it will divest from all fossil fuel companies within the next three years, as it continues its own journey towards 50% renewables by 2020. [Read more…]

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