Solar Quotes Blog

Ausgrid Highlights Multi-Billion-Dollar Cyber Risks In Solar And Battery Tech

Solar and battery tech cyber security risks

The proliferation of grid-connected household solar PV/inverter systems poses a potential cyber-security risk, electricity providers have warned the federal government.

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CEC Pushes To Add Home Batteries To Solar Rebate Scheme

CEC submission - SA Green Paper on energy transition

The Clean Energy Council has responded to South Australia’s Green Paper on the Energy Transition, calling for a home battery rebate and better national technical standards for initiatives such as dynamic solar exports.

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Solar Panel Efficiency: Budget Brands No Longer Playing Catch-Up

Budget vs. premium solar panels

The solar industry is undergoing a seismic shift. Gone are the days when only premium brands like Sunpower dominated the solar panel efficiency charts. Budget Chinese brands are not only catching up but in some cases, surpassing their high-end counterparts.

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Auto Giants Back V2G Via Smart Cars & Dumb Chargers

Electric cars, V2G and OVGIP

Three heavyweights of the automotive industry – Honda, Ford and BMW – say they want to address one of the barriers to Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) technology: a lack of technical standardisation.

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There’s No Such Thing As A Badly Oriented Roof For Solar

Roof orientation and solar power in Australia

In Australia, the ideal solar panel orientation to maximise annual energy yield is north. If you’ve been holding back on solar power because your roof’s orientation is east, west or even south, it’s time to reconsider.

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How A Second Tesla Powerwall Unlocked 8 Cent Grid Electricity For Sean

Installing a second Powerwall - Sean and Finn.

Meet Sean, a bloke from Brighton, South Australia who loves his gadgets as much as his missus loves their new spa. Despite 8kW of solar panels, Sean had an energy bill that’d make a grown man cry. So, what did he do? Buckled down, got smart, and supercharged his battery setup. Here’s the lowdown:

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Decoding Tesla Powerwall 3’s Electrical Specs: Implications for Australia

Tesla Powerwall 3 specifications

Photos are doing the rounds of a Tesla Powerwall 3 installed in the wilds of Burgeristan (the USA) , so I thought I’d add a few words to the stream of excited comments.

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Solar Panel Insurance: The Good, The Bad & The Exclusions

Solar power system insurance explained.

Insuring your new rooftop solar power or battery system can provide peace of mind. It’s a simple process to pay the premium, but what happens in the unlikely event of a claim? Will the insurance company be equally as keen to hand over the cash?

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$1.8 Billion Transmission & Battery Investment Promise for NSW

a wind farm in the central-west

Given AEMO’s warning last week that Australia’s renewables rollout is lagging, this is timely: the NSW State Government is putting $800 million into its Transmission Acceleration Facility to speed up the transmission build between its Renewable Energy Zones (REZs) and the state’s grid.

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Fobbed Off! Comparing Tesla and Electric Mini Service Costs

Tesla Model S and electric Mini Cooper SE key fobs

Picture this: You’re standing at your dining table, staring at two sets of car keys—one for a Mini Cooper SE, a zippy little electric car, and the other for a Tesla Model S, the electric behemoth.

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