Solar Quotes Blog

Power Bill Support For Western Australians

Western Australia electricity bills

Western Australia’s McGowan Government has announced more details on electricity bill relief and support for households, businesses and community groups as part of its $1 billion COVID-19 package.

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Archeologists Uncover Ancient Egyptian Solar Power

egyptian solar closeup

A set of papers published in the International Journal of Antiquity last month has revealed ancient Egyptians may have had access to a technology that, in our modern world, has only taken off over the last few decades. 

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Edward River Council Turning To Solar Energy

Edward River Council - solar power

New South Wales’ Edward River Council is another step closer to what appears to be its first significant solar power installations.

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JinkoSolar Donating 1 Million Face Masks And Other PPE

JinkoSolar PPE donation

Chinese solar panel manufacturing goliath JinkoSolar is doing its bit to help in the coronavirus battle outside its home country’s borders.

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Sunnier Days At SMA

SMA solar inverters

German inverter manufacturer SMA has delivered an upbeat report regarding its performance last year and is sticking by its 2020 guidance indicating further improvement.

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Danish Study Shows Solar Panel Optimisers Aren’t Always Optimal

Danish study - solar panel optimisers

Solar systems hate shade.  They really do.  Sometimes they talk to me in my dreams and it’s always their number one complaint, right after being pooped on by birds.  But these two problems are related — they hate bird poop because it shades their solar cells.

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AEMO Judgement On SA VPPs: Yes, They Help The Grid And Turn A Profit

South Australia VPP - tesla powerwall 2

South Australia’s Virtual Power Plant isn’t just delivering electricity to consumers in that state – it’s also proven successful at helping the SA grid respond to grid-scale events. And that grid-response is a profitable sideline for the VPP.

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Energy Businesses Directed To Protect Households And Small Business

Australian energy businesses and COVID-10

On Friday, the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) outlined its expectations for energy retailers and networks during the COVID-19 pandemic, stating they must “go above and beyond” to support customers.

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Solaria Solar Panels Available In Australia

Solaria solar panels

Solaria’s “Pure Black” solar panels are now available in Australia – here’s a look at this new entrant competing for Aussie rooftop space.

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Swansea University Chooses Redflow ZBM2 Flow Batteries

Redflow battery installation - Swansea University

Britain’s Swansea University has purchased a bunch of batteries from Australian energy storage manufacturer Redflow.

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