Search Results for: council

Bellingen Shire Council Adding More Solar Energy Capacity

Solar panels in Bellingen Shire

Bellingen Shire Council Embracing Solar Power | Image: Public Domain

From bins to building rooftops, Bellingen Shire Council has been getting into solar power in various ways – with more to come.

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Tamworth Regional Council To Vote On More Solar

Solar power - Tamworth Council

Solar panels proposed for Council HQ – Image: Public Domain

Tamworth Regional Council is considering a $248,000 solar energy and LED project that will reportedly save it  $84,000 a year on electricity bills.

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Climate Council : 50% Renewables By 2030, End Fossil Fuel Subsidies

End fossil fuel subsidies

No Subsidies For You – Climate Council | Image:  CSIRO, CC BY 3.0, Link

The Climate Council’s submission to the Federal Government’s 2017 Climate Policy Review recommends a national transition plan for Australia’s electricity system that will result in at least 50% renewables by 2030.

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Clean Energy Council report throws down the gauntlet to lawmakers

power shift CEC report

The Clean Energy Council have released a good report outlining the policy steps needed to transition to clean energy. But will anybody read it?

A Clean Energy Council report released last week makes for intriguing reading folks.

Building on the recent Paris agreements, where countries agreed to limit carbon emissions to limit global warming to 2 degrees or below, the study challenges our leaders to think seriously about how to carry out such a plan. [Read more…]

Will the Solar Council’s campaign in Canning help bring down a prime minister?

abbott and solar panels

Will Abbott’s war on solar hurt his party’s prospects in Canning?

The heat is really on in Western Australia with the entry of solar energy in the Canning by election campaign. The seat which was recently vacated following the untimely death of then sitting member Don Randall, has become a focus for those looking for an indication of the electorate’s opinion on the government’s performance.

The previous incumbent was a popular representative and enjoyed a healthy margin in the opinion polls. However this has been whittled away in recent times due to the federal government’s incompetence, intransigence or bad luck, depending on your political point of view. [Read more…]

The Solar Council Aren’t Lying. Your Government Is.

The government has painted a big bullseye on solar power.

They’ve got it in their sights. They want the renewable energy target (RET) repealed and they’ll do just about anything to make that happen.

Well, anything but come right out and say, “We’re against renewable energy because because we want to protect the fat wallets of our buddies in Big Energy”.

No, they can’t bring themselves to be that honest.

Instead, they’ve engaged in an almost comical game. A game where they attempt to justify their solar enmity with numbers.

The problem, of course, is that numbers don’t lie. [Read more…]

Solar Council’s electorates map destroys ‘rich’ theory

lots of roofs, no solar

Solar only for the rich? You won’t see many solar panels in Pott’s Point! Photo: Flickr – philoye

There’s a false perception in Australia — perpetrated in part by the anti-solar brigade and their fellow travellers — that the only people who invest in domestic solar systems are those who are rich. According to this theory it is only those in the more affluent parts of Australia that have the resources to afford solar panels. Working and lower middle class families apparently don’t have them on their roofs because they are out of their price range. [Read more…]

Clean Energy Council Puts Roadmap in Government’s Solar Glovebox

By Rich Bowden

Mirror, mirror on the wall who’s got the most sunshine of them all?

It’s a no-brainer right?

Australia is one of the most blessed countries in the world with regard to availability of solar power and solar intensity. We, along with the United States, are considered to have the greatest potential for the exploitation of solar energy in the world. So why has domestic policy not taken advantage of this? Why are governments, both state and federal, backpedalling from supporting solar energy initiatives?

This was the conundrum most recently outlined by the Clean Energy Council in their report released last week in their (unimaginatively named) Large scale< Solar Energy Roadmap).

“Australia has the highest average solar radiation per square meter of any continent in the world, yet to date we have not capitalised on the potential benefits of large-scale solar,” said the report. “The uptake and deployment of solar energy technologies globally remains dependant largely on domestic policy settings.” [Read more…]

Cold Months, High Bills? The Case for Expanding Your Solar

three GE solar inverters
So you’ve just enjoyed your first solar summer with a basic 6.6kW system, but you’re finding the bills in winter still give you the chills, don’t worry; you’re not alone. It’s not uncommon for new solar installations to undergo expansion after the first winter. Read on as I explain how.

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Upgrading Vintage Solar? You May Need To Start Again

Old cottage with old solar power system

Like the rest of Burra, this solar system should be heritage listed.

Are you an early adopter of solar power? Are you wondering how to install a new solar system alongside your existing one? Or if you need to replace it entirely? And what about the solar rebate if you’ve already received it? Plus, how does the Premium Feed-in Tariff (FiT) factor into your decision?
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