Search Results for: victoria

$2,800 Victorian Apartment Solar Grants Announced

Solar rebates for Victorian apartments

The Victorian government, with backing from the federal government, is expanding access to solar power for apartment owners and renters. [Read more…]

Victorian Government Backs Home Batteries With 0% Loans

A sonnen battery installed in melbourne

Installation: Solar Dynamics

Victoria has added a subsidised loan to help solar panel owners add batteries to their homes under its $1.3 billion Solar Homes scheme. [Read more…]

RayGen and Alfa Laval Push the Limits of Solar Efficiency In Victoria

raygen mirror arrays

RayGen is building a concentrator-style PV power plant in Victoria with thermal storage, and incredible claimed efficiency, and they’ve picked Alfa Laval to provide the heat exchangers. [Read more…]

Victorian Government Gives Go-Ahead to VNI-West Transmission Line

Victoria - transmission towers

The long-awaited VNI-West interconnector project has taken a small step forward in the planning process, with Victoria’s minister for energy and resources Lily D’Ambrosio on Saturday confirming approval for the AEMO to move ahead with the project. [Read more…]

Victoria Replacing Battery Rebates with Interest-Free Loans

fifty dollar notes

Victoria’s 2023-2024 state budget yesterday hit the headlines with a billion dollars to re-establish the State Electricity Commission, focusing on driving the state’s switch to renewables.

A much lower profile move was a rejig of Solar Victoria’s support for home batteries. [Read more…]

Solar Victoria Add More Rules For PV, Battery & Heat Pump Installations

Solar Victoria has published the 2023-2024 Notice To Market, including five new mandatory requirements and rather more recommendations. [Read more…]

Westpac Gets Behind Victoria’s Rangebank Big Battery

Victoria's Rangebank big battery

Australian “Big 4” bank Westpac announced yesterday it’s one of the lead financiers for the delivery of Victoria’s huge Rangebank Battery Energy Storage System (BESS). [Read more…]

Free Mentoring Offered To Victoria’s Solar Sparkies

Solar Victoria mentoring program

Solar Victoria has kicked off a new initiative to help electricians, electrical engineers and licensed electrical inspectors boost their skills and technical know-how. [Read more…]

Victorian Power Saving Bonus Double-Dip Nears

Power saving bonus Victoria

Victorian households who haven’t yet taken advantage of the state’s Power Saving Bonus should get in now – and then get ready to grab it again very soon. [Read more…]

Solar System Servicing: Energy Safe Victoria Reminder 

Solar inspections and servicing

After several fires in the last few weeks involving older solar power systems, Energy Safe Victoria (ESV) has reminded Victorians about the importance of regular solar inspections and servicing. [Read more…]

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