Search Results for: spv

Clean Energy Regulator Compliance Activity Update

Clean Energy Regulator compliance activities

Australia’s Clean Energy Regulator yesterday published an update on its compliance activities covering the period January 1 – March 31 this year. [Read more…]

Trina Solar Enters Enforceable Undertaking With Clean Energy Regulator

Trina Solar - Clean Energy Regulator

In what appears to be a faux pas rather than an attempt at fraud, Trina Solar (Australia) Pty Ltd has copped a rap over the knuckles for a solar panel certification slip-up. [Read more…]

Victoria’s Solar Panel And Battery Rebates – The Road Ahead

Victoria Solar Homes Program rebates

The latest Notice to Market from Solar Victoria outlines what can be expected in the time ahead for the state’s popular (and at times, problematic) Solar Homes program. [Read more…]

CER Solar Panel Validation Initiative Update

Solar panel validation

More manufacturers have joined Australia’s Solar Panel Validation (SPV) Initiative and it’s time for the next step – the all-important logo. [Read more…]

Clean Energy Regulator Frustrated With SRES Non-Compliance

Australia’s Clean Energy Regulator says it continued to see “unacceptably high-levels of wilful and reckless non-compliance” in connection with STC creation under Australia’s Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) in 2018-19. [Read more…]

Clean Energy Regulator Targeting Misuse Of Solar Installer Information

Clean Energy Regulator - compliance

Australia’s Clean Energy Regulator announced last week that it and the Clean Energy Council are targeting the misuse of accredited solar installer details. [Read more…]

Solar Panel Validation Initiative Update

Solar panel validation - Australia

Australia’s Solar Panel Validation Initiative (SPV) is another weapon being used in the battle against crap solar – and appears to be progressing well. [Read more…]

Clean Energy Regulator Sets Compliance and Enforcement Priorities

Clean Energy Regulator

Australia’s Clean Energy Regulator has outlined its priorities for the year ahead for ensuring ongoing integrity of the programs it administers. [Read more…]

Solar Panel Validation Initiative A Success

Solar panel validation

The Clean Energy Regulator’s solar panel validation initiative has been a quiet achiever, and now covers more than half the solar panels associated with small-scale technology certificate (STC) claims. [Read more…]

Solar nark’s worst nightmare: Saudi Arabia solar power project ushers in renewable era

oil and solar in the desert

The balance has tipped in favour of solar in Saudi Arabia.

We’ve mentioned before about the huge movement overseas towards a renewable energy future and this includes the home of one-fifth of the world’s proven oil reserves — Saudi Arabia. For many, Saudi Arabia symbolises opulent oil wealth, a desert kingdom so awash in the black stuff that fortunes are measured in billions not millions.

All presided over by the astute al-Saud clan.

Which brings us neatly to this week’s rant. The latest Saudi Arabia solar power project is part of a massive $US100 billion investment in solar energy which will deliver an estimated 41 GW of renewable energy by 2032. According to this 21/1/2014 SMH article, Saudi company Abdul Latif Jameel has teamed up with Spain’s Fotowatio Renewable Ventures in a three-year venture to build solar power plants worth $US130 million each in the desert kingdom and the Gulf region.

This prompts the question: have the oil sheikhs seen the renewable writing on the wall? Or is there one hell of a peak oil crisis on its way, perhaps a lot earlier than we think?

[Read more…]

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