Search Results for: liddell power station

Another Bayswater Power Station Pollution Penalty

Bayswater Power Station

The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has fined AGL Macquarie Pty Limited for an “alleged” water pollution offence at Bayswater Power Station – again. [Read more…]

UN Chief: Cancel All Coal Power Projects – Globally

UN Secretary-General António Guterres on coal power

UN Secretary-General António Guterres has again called for an end to what he called the world’s deadly addiction to coal. [Read more…]

Early Coal Power Station Retirements On The Cards In QLD/NSW

Coal power viability

The Australia Institute says New South Wales and Queensland are continuing to use less of their existing coal fired power stations, and this could lead to earlier retirements than currently planned. [Read more…]

Australian Coal Power Will Be Quickly Killed By Low Cost Renewables

Coal being pushed out by wind and solar power

Low Cost Renewables Will Soon Drive Coal Power Out Of The Market

Last month the entire country sweltered under an oppressive heatwave — except the half known as Western Australia.  As air conditioner power consumption soared on the 25th, 40% of Victoria’s coal generators failed followed by rolling blackouts. When faced with this incontrovertible evidence of coal’s unreliability, the government dedicated itself to the rapid phaseout of coal under its “affordable, reliable 24/7 power” program.

Sorry, only kidding.  What they actually did was offer to pay the debts of new coal power stations that go bust. [Read more…]

Monash Forum To Ramp Up Fight For Coal Power

Monash Forum - Coal Power

Image: Pavlofox | Note: The hand may or may not belong to Craig Kelly.

Members of the Monash Forum are readying for a battle for hearts, minds and funds as the direction of Australia’s energy future is determined. [Read more…]

Trump Wants To Prop Up Coal And Nuclear Power In The USA

Donald Trump

Image: geralt

U.S. President Donald Trump has decided to stop ailing coal and nuclear plants across the country from closing, much to the horror of the nation’s gas and renewable energy supporters. [Read more…]

Powershop Removes Mystery About Reposit GridCredits

Powershop reveals Reposit GridCredit payments

Powershop Reveals Dollar Value Of Reposit Payments For Exporting Battery Power To Grid During ‘Critical Peaks’

Reposit is a smart controller that helps households make more effective use of battery systems.  One advantage Reposit provides is during certain — very limited — periods of time, you can be paid $1 for each kilowatt-hour of electricity your battery exports to the grid.  Reposit calls these payments GridCredits. [Read more…]

Renewed Push For Coal Power In Australia – “Monash Manifesto” Unveiled

Hazelwood 2.0?

Hazelwood Power Station – Image: Simpsons fan 66

A bunch of Liberal/National party MPs have reportedly gotten together to form a little club called the Monash Forum, a major aim of which is to push for more coal-fired power generation in Australia. [Read more…]

Kelly Compares Replacing Liddell With Renewables To A Dog With Rabies

Craig Kelly and Liddell Power Station

Craig Kelly image : Liberal Party Of Australia

NSW Liberal MP Craig Kelly has said replacing Liddell Power Station with solar panels, wind turbines and batteries is “as dangerous to the economy as rabies is in a dog”. [Read more…]

Victorian Coal Power Station Unit Fails – Again

Loy Yang A power station - Victoria

Image: AGL

A troublesome generation unit at the brown coal-fired Loy Yang A power station again experienced problems early yesterday morning – reportedly the sixth incident in just a few weeks. [Read more…]

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