Solar Quotes Blog

Origin Energy Backing Pretty Pricey Plug-In Battery – Orison Panel

Orison Panel plugin battery

A battery system you can simply plug in to an electrical outlet and take with you when you move house has gained backing from Australia’s Origin Energy.

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Another Solar Panel Validation (SPV) Milestone Reached

Solar panel validation

An initiative launched to provide assurance of the eligibility of solar panels for Australia’s national solar subsidy continues to power ahead.

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Renewables Giants Found Lacking On Human Rights

Renewable energy and human rights

Analysis of the human rights policies and practices of some of the world’s largest publicly traded wind and solar energy companies makes for uncomfortable reading.

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Solar Installer Pinged For Providing False Information

Clean Energy Regulator solar investigation

Australia’s Clean Energy Regulator has released details of recent compliance action against a Clean Energy Council accredited solar installer.

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Want To Learn Energy Systems Modelling? A Free Grad Course To Get You Started


Worried about how a renewable-powered world keeps the lights on when “the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow”? Interested in energy systems modelling?

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NSW Government Publishes Pernicious 71-Page Battery Guide

nsw battery guide

Guess what! You can now read another tax-payer funded document that does more harm than good.  The NSW Government has published the NSW Home Solar Battery Guide 2020.  It’s supposed to help the people of NSW and Australia decide if getting batteries is right for them. I have read the report and have concluded that […]

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SA Water’s Solar Rollout On Track

SA Water solar rollout

SA Water says it remains on schedule with its massive solar panel rollout, even given the challenges thrust upon it by COVID-19.

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Victoria’s Solar Rebate – What’s Changing

Victoria solar panel rebate

The start of the new financial year on Wednesday will see some changes to Victoria’s Solar Homes program. Here’s what you need to know.

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Shepparton Council Adds More Solar Power

Aquamoves solar panel installation - Shepparton

In Victoria, another two Greater Shepparton City Council facilities are harvesting the energy of the sun – Aquamoves and the Shepparton Saleyards.

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Australian Solar Power System Safety Improving

Solar power system electrical safety in Australia

A report released yesterday on electrical safety risks in Australian solar power system installations indicates great improvement, but there’s still work to be done.

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