Search Results for: council

WA Coal Town Council Votes Against Saving With Solar Power

Installing solar panels could have saved Shire of Collie and its ratepayers a bucket of cash, but Council has voted against the idea. Why? Because Collie is a coal town. [Read more…]

TRY Wins Rural Councils Of Victoria Award For Energy Efforts

Totally Renewable Yackandandah

Image: Indigo Shire Council

Totally Renewable Yackandandah has scored another award, winning the Saving Energy category of the Community Innovators Awards at the Rural Councils of Victoria Summit. [Read more…]

Australian Councils Flock To Solar Power

Solar power and Australian councils

Image: Australian Local Government Climate Review 2018

The Australian Local Government Climate Review 2018, published early this month, reveals the nation’s councils are performing well in delivering energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. [Read more…]

Mackay Regional Council Investing $2 Million In Solar Power

The $2 million Queensland’s Mackay Regional Council will plow into solar energy will save ratepayers nearly $17 million in electricity costs over the next two decades. [Read more…]

Clean Energy Council Announces Solar Inverter Delistings

Solar inverter de-listing - Australia

The Clean Energy Council has announced de-listing of two inverter brands from its Approved Products List – Shenzhen Sofarsolar (Mass Energy) and Shenzhen JingFuYuan Tech (JFY). [Read more…]

35 Councils Join Cities Power Partnership At Lismore’s Floating Solar Launch

Floating solar panel installation - Lismore

Lismore’s floating solar farm while under construction | Image: Ciel & Terre

The opening of Australia’s largest floating solar farm is serving as a backdrop for the welcoming of dozens of councils throughout Australia to the Climate Council’s Cities Power Partnership. [Read more…]

Important Reminders From The Clean Energy Council

Clean Energy Council reminders

Solar panel image Stocksnap

Australia’s Clean Energy Council has reminded members of several important issues relating to replacement solar panels, imminent approved module listing expiries and new terms and conditions for product listings. [Read more…]

Hobart City Council Divesting From Fossil Fuels – Completely

The fossil fuel divestment juggernaut rumbles on, with Hobart City Council announcing it was getting on board in a big way. [Read more…]

Mackay Council Solar Project Goes To Tender

More solar panels for Mackay Regional Counci

Image: plonk66

In a move to reduce its operating costs, Queensland’s Mackay Regional Council intends installing solar panels on twenty more of its buildings.   [Read more…]

Tweed Shire Council Aims For 50% Solar Power

Solar energy in Tweed Shire

Solar panel image : markusspiske

New South Wales’ Tweed Shire Council has voted to source 25 per cent of its electricity from self-generated solar power by 2022 and potentially half its needs from solar and batteries by 2025. [Read more…]

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