Search Results for: coal ash

Morwell Power Station Chimneys Toppled

Morwell Power Station chimneys demolished

Image: EBAC Demolition

The two remaining chimney stacks at the former Morwell Power Station (Energy Brix Power Station) in Victoria were successfully brought down on Saturday morning. [Read more…]

Commbank Announces Green Loan For Solar Power

Commbank green loan

CBA, Commbank, Commonwealth Bank of Australia or whatever you want to call it has announced an upcoming very low interest green loan that can be used to finance the purchase of a solar power system. [Read more…]

Renewables Need More Long Distance Transmission. Low Interest Rates Can Make That Happen.

Renewable energy and long distance electricity transmission

Long-distance transmission sends electrical energy from where it’s generated to where it’s used.  If we had more of it, electricity prices would be lower, and the integration of solar and wind farms would be easier.  Thanks to record low-interest rates, more of it is exactly what we’re going to get.   [Read more…]

Why Your Solar Feed-In Tariff Is Lower Than Your Electricity Usage Tariff

Why solar feed-in tariffs are lower than retail electricity prices

To understand why solar feed-in tariffs are comparatively low, you need to understand how your electricity bill sausage is made. Image credit

In this article, I am going to take a typical electricity bill and break it down into its components. 

I told Finn I was doing this for two sensible reasons:

  1. To let people know where their electricity dollar goes.
  2. To show where solar feed-in tariffs come from and why they are significantly less than electricity’s retail price.

But the main reason is I hate electricity bills and enjoy breaking them into pieces. [Read more…]

City Of Newcastle Climate Action Plan 2025

City of Newcastle - solar power

City of Newcastle is readying to take further steps to reduce emissions across its operations and the community – including installing more solar panels and megawatt-scale battery storage. [Read more…]

Will Biden Build Back Better (And Greener)?

President-elect Joe Biden

Image: Joe Biden via Facebook

Given it looks like Trump has been fired from the USA’s top job, what does President-elect Joe Biden’s “build back better” approach hold in terms of renewable energy and addressing climate change? [Read more…]

Johnson And Morrison – One Telephone Call, Two Emissions Tales

Boris Johnson and Scott Morrison - Emissions

British PM Boris Johnson and Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison caught up for a telephone chat about emissions reduction. Both sides had somewhat different recollection of the call. [Read more…]

Australian Mayors Commit To Sustainable COVID Economic Recovery

Sustainable COVID economic recovery

Dozens of mayors and councillors from across Australia have put their names to a joint statement committing to economic recovery solutions that not only create jobs, but also tackle climate change. [Read more…]

Vales Point Power Station Pollution Fine “Chump Change”

Vales Point Power Station

Less than a week after being tapped for a Federal Government grant, a fine has been issued for waste and pollution offences at Vales Point Power Station in New South Wales. [Read more…]

In A Fight Between COVID And Climate Change, Which Would Win?

AXA Future Risks report

AXA’s seventh edition of its Future Risks Report states climate change has been knocked from the no.1 spot this year. No prizes for guessing what took its place. [Read more…]

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