Solar Quotes Blog

Caravan Solar Panels – Are Your Mounting Brackets Just Glued On?

Caravan solar panel safety

“Glue and screw” is the message a camper trailer owner has for those installing solar panels on caravan roofs – it could save lives.

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Blacktown City Council Solar Panel Installation Complete

Blacktown City Council solar panel installation

The installation of solar panels for a 707kW PV project for Sydney’s Blacktown City Council involving multiple sites was completed last week according to Risen Energy Australia.

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First Green Light For Gold Coast Region Solar + Battery Project

Golmine solar farm location

A solar farm project featuring battery storage that’s been in the pipeline for a few years inched closer towards reality yesterday at a City of Gold Coast council meeting.

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Amber Electric’s SmartShift Can Sync Your Loads To Wholesale Electricity Prices

Amber Electric Smart Shift

Years ago when people first started talking about exposing consumers to the wholesale electricity price, I thought it was a bad idea as I felt most households weren’t up to the challenge of managing the risk of price spikes.

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IKEA Adelaide’s Solar + Storage Microgrid Project Progressing

IKEA Adelaide solar panels and battery system

The first solar panels have been lifted on to the rooftop of IKEA’s retail outlet in Adelaide as part of a major solar power + battery storage microgrid project at the site.

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UN Secretary-General Again Calls For End To Fossil Fuel Subsidies

UN Secretary-General António Guterres

UN Secretary-General António Guterres has urged members of the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action to keep pushing for a green COVID-19 recovery.

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Vales Point Power Station Pollution Fine “Chump Change”

Vales Point Power Station

Less than a week after being tapped for a Federal Government grant, a fine has been issued for waste and pollution offences at Vales Point Power Station in New South Wales.

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Electricity Meter Upgrade Complaints Drop In South Australia

Electricity meter changeovers in South Australia

South Australia’s Energy & Water Ombudsman handled fewer complaints in 2019-20; including regarding issues relating to meter upgrades for solar power system installations.

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New SA Inverter Rules Add $165 To Price Of SolarEdge Systems

Yesterday in SA solar met 100% of demand for a short time. Hence the need for remote solar shutdown. SolarEdge inverters have this capability. Image: Rob Morris

Update 14th December 2020:  Good news!  SolarEdge has informed me they no longer charge an additional $165 to cover the cost of meeting South Australia’s new inverter requirements.  SolarEdge instead now absorbs the cost, which is obviously good news for anyone thinking of getting a SolarEdge system in SA. On Thursday at 3:58 pm I […]

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Trump Seeks To Expand And Boost Solar Tariff

Trump solar tariffs

U.S President Donald Trump wants to up punitive tariffs on imported solar panels and cells next year – blaming bifacial modules.

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