Search Results for: council

City Of Melbourne (Council) Now 100% Renewable Electricity Powered

City Of Melbourne - Renewable Energy

The City Of Melbourne says it is the first Australian capital city council powered by 100 per cent renewable electricity. [Read more…]

A Busy Year For Australia’s Clean Energy Council

Clean Energy Council - solar compliance

Panel image: markusspiske

2018 was another big year for the CEC as it continued in its efforts to enforce compliance and helping ensure the ongoing integrity of Australia’s solar energy industry. [Read more…]

Noosa Council Slashing Emissions And Electricity Costs With Solar

Solar power in Noosa Shire

Image: Noosa Council

Queensland’s Noosa Council says it has installed 252 kilowatts of on-site solar power capacity across six of its facilities in the past five months. [Read more…]

NSW’s Hawkesbury City Council Launches Solar Program

Hawkesbury Solar Program

Image: MrRick

The Hawkesbury Solar Program will extend Council’s solar capacity, with systems to be installed on 13 more of its buildings. [Read more…]

Tweed Shire Council Beefing Up Solar Power Capacity

Tweed Shire Council - solar energy

Image: Tweed Shire Council

New South Wales’ Tweed Shire Council will have more than doubled its solar energy capacity by the end of this year  – and there’s more to come. [Read more…]

City of Rockingham Joins Climate Council’s Cities Power Partnership

Solar panels - City of Rockingham

Image: City of Rockingham

Western Australia’s City of Rockingham last week joined dozens of other councils across Australia reaffirming their commitment to a sustainable energy future. [Read more…]

Tamworth Regional Council To Vote On Solar Panel Rollout Tonight

New South Wales’ Tamworth Regional Council is set to vote on whether to proceed with the installation of solar power systems at a dozen Council-owned sites. [Read more…]

Solar Power Shines In Gannawarra Shire Council Region

Cohuna solar farm - Gannawarra Shire

Image: plonk66

It’s all happening in Victoria’s Gannawarra Shire on the solar energy front – Cohuna Solar Farm is just one of a number of PV projects for the region. [Read more…]

NEG – COAG Energy Council Meeting Outcome

At the COAG Energy Council Meeting on Friday, the Federal Government was told to get its act together on the National Energy Guarantee if it is to have any hope of getting it over the line. [Read more…]

Smart Energy Council Urges Australians To Apply Pressure On The NEG

National Energy Guarantee

The Smart Energy Council states the National Energy Guarantee is “junk policy” and is calling on Australians to email state energy ministers telling them to stop it in its current form. [Read more…]

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