Solar Quotes Blog

SolarQuotes TV Ep. 4 – Why Bigger Solar Power Systems Are Better

In another jam-packed episode of SQ TV, discover why the 6.6kW system is dead and why you should be filling your roof with solar panels.

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Tweed Shire Solar Rollout Moves To Phase 2

Tweed Shire Council - solar energy

More solar power capacity is on the way for New South Wales’ Tweed Shire Council, building on an already impressive installation tally.

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Meet The SolarQuotes Crew: Margherita Moffa, Customer Support

Margherita Moffa was working for her husband after having left a customer service career in banking, when her brother-in-law Robert (SQ Client Operations) asked if she could help out handling customer service inquiries for a fairly young SolarQuotes.

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Best Solar Inverters In Australia? Here’s What Installers Trust In 2021

There are a lot of solar inverter brands on the Australian market in 2021. But which ones are the best? That’s a tough question to answer. So we asked installers we trust what they thought.

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Fronius Spruiks Solar Inverter Sustainability

Fronius GEN24 Plus inverter sustainability

Fronius says its GEN24 Plus inverters have the first life cycle assessment in the world to be confirmed by an independent institute.

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Solar Energy To The Animal Rescue

SAFE solar power

Two major solar manufacturers and an Australian distributor have teamed up to supply a solar power system for a branch of Western Australia’s largest animal rescue organisation.

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Solar Panel “Upcycling” On The Cards For Kilmany

Solar panel recycling and upcycling

Victoria’s Wellington Shire Council recently voted in favour of progressing lease negotiations relating to a site for a potential solar panel recycling, err, upcycling (or something) facility in its area.

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Bookaar Solar Farm Battle Rages On

Bookaar Solar Farm

A developer is taking yet another crack at getting approval for solar farm near a town in Victoria, but the local council still isn’t on board.

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More Solar Ready To Help Power Pumping For SA Water

SA Water solar energy rollout

SA Water’s electricity supply is about to become greener and cheaper again with the addition of another major solar power system, and an even bigger installation to soon follow.

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Elon Musk On Tesla “Powerwall 2 Plus”

Elon Musk - Tesla Powerwall 2 Plus

During Tesla’s Q1 2021 earnings call, Elon Musk provided some detail on what he referred to as “Powerwall 2 Plus”.

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