Solar Quotes Blog

Australia’s Clean Energy Regulator Launches Whistleblower App

Clean Energy Regulator - solar installation compliance

The agency tasked with oversight of Australia’s various renewable energy schemes – including the one that underpins Australia’s solar rebate – has added another tool to deter and detect dodginess.

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Cryptocurrency: What Is SolarCoin?

Cryptocurrencies - SolarCoin

Given the crazy-high level of interest in cryptocurrencies recently, here’s a look at a comparatively low-carbon cryptocurrency that’s been around for quite a while – SolarCoin.

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AER Ruling: Victorian DNSPs Must Offer Flat Tariff To All. Except EV Owners.

AER's final decision on flay tariffs

I have just read the Australian Energy Regulator’s FINAL DECISION Statement on Victorian Energy Distribution for 2021-2026.  According to the document, Victorian electricity distributors will be required to:

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STC Prices And Australia’s Solar Rebate: Update

Solar rebate and STC spot prices

STC spot prices have remained pretty strong so far this year, making it a great time to go solar – find out why.

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“Sun Tax” Threatens Electricity Network Death Spiral – Or Does It?

Solar tax - Australia

The results of a recent survey run by Solar Citizens regarding a controversial draft determination from the AEMC will have solar battery manufacturers salivating.

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Broken Hill City Council Looking To Take Operations “Off The Grid”

Broken Hill and solar energy

NSW’s Broken Hill City Council is encouraging the community to get involved in its ambitious renewable energy aspirations.

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Budget 2021-22: Renewables Pretty Much Ignored

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg - Budget 2021-22

There wasn’t much expected in Budget 2021-22 for tried and tested renewables or electric vehicles, and that’s exactly what Treasurer Josh Frydenberg delivered.

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ADB May (Finally And Formally) Turn Its Back On Coal Power

Asian Development Bank and coal

The Asian Development Bank is testing the waters for a new policy that would forbid it from backing coal mining and new coal power projects.

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Redflow Unveils Energy Pod Z Battery Storage

Redflow Energy Pod Z

Australia’s Redflow has taken the wraps off its high-voltage energy storage product for grid-scale applications – the Energy Pod Z.

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About That Recent ABC 7.30 Report Story On Home Solar

ABC 7.30 report on home solar - analysis

SolarQuotes founder Finn Peacock and blogger-extraordinaire Ronald Brakels scrutinise a recent ABC 7.30 Report segment on home solar power.

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