Search Results for: victoria

“Smart Inverters” To Be Mandatory Under Victoria’s Solar Homes Package

Solar Victoria - smart inverters

Victoria’s government has announced changes to the state’s Solar Homes Package that will make smart inverters mandatory for solar power systems installed from the beginning of July under the program. So, what is a smart inverter? [Read more…]

Bad For Consumers & Bad For Business: CEC Approved Solar Retailer Scheme Now Mandatory In Victoria

Mandatory Approved Solar Retailer Scheme

Last week the Clean Energy Council announced their formerly voluntary Approved Solar Retailer Scheme would be — with the smallest of fig leafs — made mandatory for all companies installing residential rooftop solar power systems in Victoria. This means installers are faced with joining the scheme — if they can — or going out of business or moving out of state. [Read more…]

Making Approved Solar Retailer Status Mandatory in Victoria Would Be Disastrous

Approved Solar Retailers In Victoria

In Orwell’s Animal Farm, animals were told that doing extra work was voluntary, yet those who didn’t volunteer got their rations reduced.

In November 2013 the Clean Energy Council told solar companies that becoming an Approved Solar Retailer (ASR), which requires extra work, was voluntary. But in 2018  solar companies that had not signed up started to lose their opportunity to benefit from participation in state government solar rebate and zero interest loan schemes.

Beware of schemes that claim to be voluntary but force you into applying by other means. [Read more…]

Victoria’s Karadoc Solar Farm Officially Opened

Karadoc Solar Farm

Image: Flow Power

Karadoc Solar Farm was officially opened last week, while not far away its sister project at Yatpool is under construction. [Read more…]

Victoria’s 2019/20 Minimum Solar Feed In Tariff Rates Finalised

Victoria solar feed in tariff - 2019/20

Victoria’s  Essential Services Commission (ESC) has set new rates for solar feed-in tariffs from July 2019. The single rate will be boosted,  shoulder/off-peak time-varying rates will be increased and the peak rate slashed. [Read more…]

Victorian Solar Hot Water Rebate Applications Open Next Week

Solar hot water rebate - Victoria

Victorian home owners will soon be able to apply for rebates of up to $1,000 on solar hot water systems under the Andrews Labor Government’s Solar Homes Package scheme. [Read more…]

40% Of Victoria’s Coal Power Out Of Action During Heatwave While Solar Soldiers On

Solar energy more reliable than coal power

Solar Power Proves Far More Reliable Than Coal Power During Record Breaking Heatwave

As I’m sure you’re aware, South Australia and the eastern states were hit by a short but intense heatwave last week.  In Adelaide temperatures hit 46.6 degrees on Thursday.  A sweaty record.  It was almost unbearable.  Or at least I think it was unbearable.  I’m not sure because I passed out at about 10 in the morning and didn’t regain consciousness until after nightfall.  [Read more…]

The Latest On Victoria’s Solar Homes Rebate

The Victorian Government shed some light on uptake of its popular solar power incentive on Friday. [Read more…]

Victoria’s Solar Homes Package Boosting Jobs

As well as saving Victorian households a bundle of cash on going solar, the state’s Solar Homes Package rebate scheme is giving local employment a boost too. [Read more…]

Community Renewables, Hydrogen Get A Boost In Victoria

Community renewable energy - Victoria

Image: Plonk66

The Victorian Government issued several energy-related announcements yesterday relating to community renewables, a new hydrogen program and simplifying comparing energy deals. [Read more…]

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