Search Results for: tasmania

Deadlines For Electricity Meter Changeovers Under AEMC Draft Rule

The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) is calling for feedback on a draft rule that it says will give customers in the National Electricity Market (NEM) greater control over electricity meter changes and see deadlines implemented for meter changeovers. [Read more…]

Budget Solar: How To Save Money While Avoiding Disaster

How to buy solar power on a budget - tips

How To Save Money On Solar Power Without Compromising Too Much On Quality

I’ve covered a lot of ground in various articles I’ve written for the SolarQuotes blog.  But one thing I’ve never delved deeply into is the fundamental nature of the human soul.  Perhaps because at some level we fear the stark dichotomy that dwells inside us.  Within every human being there is a fundamental struggle between the desire to spend big and buy nice things and the desire to cheap out and save a few bucks. [Read more…]

Victorian Solar Rebate Explained: Up To 50% off Solar – Starting Now

Solar Homes rebate program - Victoria

A massive new solar subsidy is now available in Victoria. Here’s how it works and how much it can save you.

Hey, Victorians!  Listen up!  If you want solar panels your state government has just made things fantastic for you.  They will now cover up to half the cost of a new solar power system. [Read more…]

Best Practice Charter For Australian Renewable Energy Developments Launched

Solar farm

Image: sarangib

The nature of community relationships can make or break large-scale renewable energy projects and Australia’s renewables sector is becoming increasingly aware of this. [Read more…]

June A Bumper Month For Small Scale Solar In Australia

June solar installations in Australia

Image: plonk66

June was another busy period for the Australian rooftop solar installation sector, but not quite as hectic as May. [Read more…]

AEMO Releases Integrated System Plan For National Electricity Market

While some are seeing an important AEMO report as a big win for coal – it’s anything but. However, what it envisions still leaves us with coal power capacity hanging around for a long time; albeit continually dwindling. [Read more…]

The ACCC Wants To Lower Electricity Prices Even If It Kills You

ACCC and Australia's Solar Subsidy

Ending the “Solar Rebate” will save households $18 per year and kill people. Nice one ACCC.

The Australian Competition & Consumer Commission, or ACCC, published a report last Wednesday titled Restoring electricity affordability and Australia’s competitive advantage.  Michael alerted people about it here and wrote more here.  The opening lines of the report don’t pull any punches and begins with: [Read more…]

“Power Of Choice” Pushes Costs Onto Electricity Consumers

Power Of Choice - Electricity Meters
Last week I wrote about the “Power of Choice” reforms that put electricity retailers in charge of electricity meters.

Today I’m writing how Power of Choice reforms harm the consumer by stealing the most valuable thing you possess: your time on this Earth. [Read more…]

Solar Payback Time For Each Australian Capital

Simple solar payback

The cost of rooftop solar continues to fall despite the fact that the Australian dollar has been falling too.  It has been a while since I’ve harped on about how cost effective rooftop solar is, so I stayed up all night to make beautiful graphs of the simple solar payback time in every capital city.  In other words I will show you how many years it will take the savings on your electricity bills to cover the cost of your solar power system. [Read more…]

March Australian Rooftop Solar Installations Break Record

Solar installations in Australia during March

Image: Stocksnap

March rooftop solar power system installs in Australia represented the highest monthly capacity total ever – 127 megawatts – enough to power the equivalent of 36,710 homes says Green Energy Markets. [Read more…]

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