Search Results for: hydrogen

More Solar Energy For Toll Group In Australia

Solar panels on Toll Express Parcels Bungarribee depot

Transport and logistics giant Toll Group has announced completion of a large rooftop solar array atop the Toll Express Parcels Bungarribee depot in northwest Sydney. [Read more…]

Is ARENA Wasting Your Money On Useless Consultant Reports?

 ACIL Allen Consultants hydrogen report for ARENA

If you are in a hurry, the summary of this post is: ‘In my humble opinion: Yes’.

I recently wrote about Labor’s Hydrogen Plan announcement where they referred to a report by ACIL Allen Consultants saying Australia’s hydrogen exports could be over $3 billion a year by 2030.  In my previous article I explained why this is extremely unlikely.

This article is going to be 2,000 words dedicated to me complaining. Specifically about why I consider the consultant report titled “Opportunites For Australia From Hydrogen Exports” worse than useless and why I think ARENA — Australia’s Renewable Energy Agency — wasted your money paying for it. [Read more…]

Geopolitical Consequences Of The Transition To Renewables

Energy transformation report

A recently published report states a new energy age will reshape relations between states and regions around the world. This presents dangers and opportunities for Australia. [Read more…]

Tindo Solar Claim Spectacular Reliability: 3 Failures From 240,000 Sold

tindo solar panels

Lots Of Good News About Tindo Solar – Including An Annual Failure Rate As Low As 1 In 200,000 Panels

If you are in the market for some Australian made solar panels then I have great news for you.  It involves Tindo Solar as they are the only Australian manufacturer of panels.  If someone selling any other brand of panels says or suggests they were made in Australia, be super suspicious about that. [Read more…]

Mandatory Solar Energy Or Living Rooftops Ahead In Moreland?

Compulsor solar panels in Moreland

Image: moerschy

Victoria’s Moreland City Council will vote tonight on investigating the potential to make solar panels, solar hot water or “living roof” space mandatory for new residential and commercial builds. [Read more…]

Solar Fuels Researcher On Queen’s Birthday Honours List

Professor Rose Amal

Professor Rose Amal | Image: UNSW

University of New South Wales chemical engineer Scientia Professor Rose Amal has been awarded companion of the order of Australia (AC), for her eminent service to chemical engineering. [Read more…]

Ronald Checks Out Electric Cars Part 2 — Range, Charging, And Trivia

Electric cars - range and charging

Nine days ago I attended the Charge Together electric car event in Adelaide and scored some sweet electric rides.  Last week I wrote about 5 specific electric cars and today I’ll describe what I learned about driving electric cars in general from their owners.  I’ll cover range anxiety and how it’s not really a problem provided you get an electric car that suits your needs.  I cover charging at home, at public charging stations, and even what to do when out-the-back-of-Burke and desperately seeking a charge.  I’ll even cover a little bit of electric car history. [Read more…]

Should Electric Cars Be Subsidised?

Electric car subsidies

Nope! But We Should Make Cars Pay For Pollution.

So far this year there has been a fair bit of debate over whether electric cars should receive subsidies in Australia.  The Greens are in favor and SA Labor were planning to make electric cars exempt from registration fees up to the point they were defeated in savage hand-to-hand voting.  Our Federal Minister for the Environment and Energy, Josh “build me a fleet of new coal power stations” Frydenberg has come out of closet, or possibly coal bunker, as a fan of electric cars.  Probably because they can be charged with coal power.  [Read more…]

Even Bigger Battery For South Australia

Tesla’s Big Battery in South Australia could soon lose its crown as Australia’s largest single-site battery installation to another project announced today for the state. [Read more…]

The SA Election: Energy Policies Compared

Election 2018 South Australia - Energy Policies

On Saturday the 17th of March South Australians will head to school, church, the RSL, or where ever their local polling booth happens to be to cast their ballot in the state government election.  I’ve already received the piece of colored  paper I’m supposed to bring with me so I can vote.  It’s very different from the good old days in Queensland when the only paper you needed to make your vote count was brown and in the form of a bag full of cash. [Read more…]

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