Search Results for: canberra

Sydney Now Has The Most Affordable Electricity. Adelaide The Most Expensive

Electricity prices in Australia

In May last year I investigated what the total cost of electricity was for a typical household in Australia’s states and territories.  I found that rather than South Australia having the most expensive electricity, as the Coalition claimed, once the effects of fixed charges and controlled loads for hot water were taken into account, it was the second cheapest state for household electricity.

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More Solar Power For University Of Newcastle

2018 will see Australia’s University of Newcastle (UON) boost its solar power street cred significantly with more PV to be installed at its Callaghan and Ourimbah campuses. [Read more…]

Installing Solar Panels On A Flat Roof — All The Angles Covered

flat roof solar panels

Beautifully installed frameless solar panels on an almost flat (3º N) roof. Photo credit: Gippsland Solar

If you are checking out this article because you are planning to put solar panels on a flat roof, then odds are you’re looking to install a commercial solar system.  While there are homes with flat roofs, they’re not nearly as common as flat business roofs.  But whether it’s for a home or a business the basic principles of installing on a flat roof are the same.  It’s just that commercial systems tend to be a lot larger. [Read more…]

Hyperloop For Queensland A “Ludicrous Pipe Dream”

Hyperloop One

Image: Hyperloop One

Queenslanders now have a good idea of what their government thinks of the hyperloop transportation concept as a cure for traffic woes on the M1. [Read more…]

Commercial Solar For Small Businesses Can Pay Back In Under 3 Years

commercial solar power system

Don’t let soaring power bills kill your business – commercial solar can slash your bills.

Business is a kind of miracle where humans put aside their natural desire to screech and fling stuff at each other to work together to achieve common goals.  And the most common goal among businesses that are still in business is making money.  Unfortunately, focusing on this has led to some undesirable consequences such melting the icecaps.

If our civilization wants to continue as an ongoing concern then we need to make money in a way that doesn’t damage the environment.  Fortunately, I know something that can help business both make money and protect the environment and that something is commercial rooftop solar power. [Read more…]

Gas Lamps And Electric Cars: Dr. Alan Finkel

Defending electric cars in Australia - Dr. Alan Finkel

Image: Left – Public Domain | Right – Blomst

Australia’s Chief Scientist Dr. Alan Finkel has defended electric vehicles and taken on the naysayers, saying that instead of focusing on the current challenges, we should look at the potential of EVs. [Read more…]

South Australia’s New Diesel Generators Ready To Rumble — But Probably Won’t

TM2500 turbine generator ready to rumble

A General Electric TM2500 turbine generator yesterday. Or possibly earlier.

In order to improve the probability of South Australia making it through the summer without one or more blackouts, the state government has leased, with an eye to buy, 9 mobile General Electric TM2500 turbine generators.  [Read more…]

Want Hundreds Of Dollars Worth Of Cool Cash?  Buy An Energy Efficient Fridge


Ronald’s fridge yesterday.

Disaster has struck the Brakels household! And I’m not talking about a minor disaster like a son or daughter breaking a leg.

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2018 Kicks Off With Energy

Solar energy and electricity n Australia - 2018

Powerline image : paulbr75

New solar subsidies and energy efficiency rebates for some, power price hikes for others. Here’s what early 2018 has in store for electricity prices and home solar power in Australia. [Read more…]

Bifacial Solar Panels May — Straight Up — Dominate Australian Solar Farms


Are vertical solar panels the best orientation for new Australian solar farms?

Last week I wrote about double glass bifacial panels that are able to use light coming from the front and behind, while on Christmas Eve I mentioned large scale solar farms are taking off in Australia.  Because it’s the season for togetherness, I thought maybe we could put these two things together and make a bifacial solar farm.

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