Solar Quotes Blog

Better Batteries Hoped From Home-Grown Silicon Anode Tech

AnteoTech silicon battery grant

A Brisbane company has scored millions from the Australian Government to support the development of technology that could cut the costs of lithium-ion batteries and boost their capacity.

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The NSW Battery Rebate Launches This Week – Here’s What You Need To Know

Months after being announced, NSW’s battery ‘rebate’ (which isn’t technically a rebate) is due to launch on November 1st. If you’re a homeowner looking to claim it, here’s what you need to know.

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Jinko’s New Super-Powerful Residential Solar Panel Unveiled

JinkoSolar Tiger Neo 3.0 DG solar panel

JinkoSolar last week announced the launch of a new generation of solar panels, the Tiger Neo 3.0, with a residential product line up to 495 Watts.

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Australia’s Biggest Solar Expo: Giant Solar Flowers & Tesla Semi Lookalikes

Has it really been a whole year since we last enjoyed the warm embrace1 of the Melbourne convention center? It doesn’t feel like it but for those who couldn’t attend, please read on while I document a few random pictures from the enormously busy exhibition floor.

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Round 3 Of WA’s EV Charge Up Grants Under Way

EV charger grants - Western Australia

More than $7 million in grants is up for grabs in Western Australia to support the installation of EV charging infrastructure across the state at workplaces, tourist destinations, and along key travel routes.

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Trina Scores “Eastern Oscar” For Vertex S+ Solar Panels

Trina Solar Vertex S+

Trinasolar’s Vertex S+ solar panels, which are available in Australia, have picked up another major design award to add to the company’s trophy cabinet – this one in Japan.

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Wallbox Hits 1,000,000 EV Charger Milestone

Wallbox EV chargers

Spain’s Wallbox Group says it has surpassed past one million EV chargers sold globally as at the end of the second quarter this year.

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Redback Resurgence: New Solar Inverters And Batteries

Redback Technologies - new inverters and batteries

Queensland’s Redback Technologies has launched its new range of solar inverters and batteries at All-Energy Australia in Melbourne today.

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Battery Owners: Why You Still See Small Energy Imports Despite a Full Battery

The only thing that’s grown more than electricity bills recently is the number of new solar power systems installed with batteries. I’m guessing a close third is the growth of my inbox, specifically with questions about small unwanted energy imports. Read on while I explain; please, stop emailing me…

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Air Conditioning In Australia: Time To Get Smart Says IEEFA

Smart air conditioning in Australia

Air conditioners sold in Australia need to meet minimum efficiency standards, but not minimum “smarts”. This should change says a new report from IEEFA. Here’s why.

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