Search Results for: western australia

WA Solar Power: a template for the future of energy in Australia

WA leads the way for solar power adoption

WA leads the way for solar power adoption

A recent study underlining the popularity of rooftop solar in WA has given Australians a glimpse into the country’s solar-driven energy future. For a survey conducted by Curtin University that has everyone talking is the one that shows power generated from rooftop solar systems in the state’s South-West Interconnected System (SWIS) produce as much energy as the state’s largest power station.

“We are in the extraordinary position of saying that Perth [SWIS] now has rooftop solar as the largest supplier of electricity, it’s the biggest power station in WA,” said Curtin University sustainability professor Peter Newman to the ABC AM program.

He added that the area currently has 20 percent coverage of solar panels, though this was just the beginning. [Read more…]

Uncertainty in Australian solar policy rears its ugly head

depressed businessman

CEO of First Solar reacts to Abbott’s latest speech on energy policy

One recurring, if unfortunate, theme of these pages has been the constant spectre of uncertainty in Australian solar policy. We’ve ranted before about why Australia should be led by more forward thinking pollies in both Canberra and the state capitals but bugger it, when you’re onto a good thing, why not continue?

So here goes, Rant #234 about the paucity of Australian solar policy leadership… [Read more…]

Dubbo: Solar Power Capital of Australia!

Well done Dubbo solar power installers!

dubbo library clock tower without solar panels

Sunny in Dubbo

If you read the mainstream press in Australia,  you’d think the towns and suburbs with the biggest average take up of solar panels would be the well-to-do inner city suburbs of our major cities. Perhaps Vaucluse, Toorak or the leafy eastern suburbs of Adelaide?

Obviously they’d be more likely where wealth is concentrated right?

Wrong (as you may have guessed by the headline!). In a sign that solar energy is becoming more accessible to mainstream Aussie folk, a recent survey by the Clean Energy Council (CEC) found the central-west NSW city of Dubbo to have the highest average percentage of houses with solar panels.

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China Plan To Whip Australia’s Ass in Domestic Solar Investment

Whilst many Australian state governments dither over the solar feed-in-tariff (FIT) issue, China has come charging out of the changing sheds recently with a brand new, highly-polished, national feed-in-tariff system.

They are kicking the world’s ass when it comes to high value manufacturing (where was your iPad made?) and now it looks like they are serious about installing solar power domestically. [Read more…]

Upgrading Vintage Solar? You May Need To Start Again

Old cottage with old solar power system

Like the rest of Burra, this solar system should be heritage listed.

Are you an early adopter of solar power? Are you wondering how to install a new solar system alongside your existing one? Or if you need to replace it entirely? And what about the solar rebate if you’ve already received it? Plus, how does the Premium Feed-in Tariff (FiT) factor into your decision?
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WA’s Workplace EV Charging Grants Ending Soon

WA EV charger grants

Small and medium businesses in Western Australia keen to grab a grant to install an EV charger will need to get cracking. [Read more…]

VIC Neighbourhood Batteries: Readying For Round 4

Victoria's Neighbourhood Batteries Program

Round 4 of the Victorian Government’s 100 Neighbourhood Batteries Program will open for applications in August – and a new tool will help groups prepare to apply for funding. [Read more…]

Electricity Prices Update: Who Saves And Who Gets Slugged

Electricity offer determinations

Final decisions were published yesterday for regulated electricity offers in several Australian states. Find out what this means and how it might affect you. [Read more…]

Power Bill Rebates: Winners All Round – Or Not?

Electricity bill rebates

While every Australian household was a winner of sorts in the Federal Budget in relation to electricity bills, it’s been claimed those who need the rebate most will benefit the least. [Read more…]

Home Solar Boost For Broome

Smart Connect Solar in Broome

In Western Australia, residents of Broome and some other towns in Horizon Power’s service area previously locked out of rooftop solar power can finally install panels – with more towns to come. [Read more…]

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