Search Results for: tasmania

On Saturday I Voted For The Planet — But It Didn’t Work!

Australian election 2019 - climate change

“The planet’s burning you idiots!’. But hey, at least your negative gearing and franking credits are safe. (Image: HBO)

On Saturday morning I wandered down to my local polling booth to exercise my voting power.  I have more of this than the average Australian because South Australia has a low population, yet the same number of senators as other states. [Read more…]

SolarQuotes Vodcast Episode 15 – Stamping Out Crap Solar

In episode 15, Ronald and Finn discuss recent posts on the SolarQuotes blog and other solar news, plus we learn way more than we ever wanted about Ronald’s digestive tract. [Read more…]

How To End Dodgy Solar For Good? 100% Inspections By State Electrical Bodies

This is a guest post by John Inglis, owner of Positronic Solar. John is a veteran of the solar industry. Rumour has it that his involvement predates the invention of the sun dial. Take it away John… [Read more…]

Labor’s Proposed Renewable Energy Zone For SA Announced

Renewable Energy Zone - REZ - South Australia

Image: Google Earth

A “Renewable Energy Zone” (REZ) will be established in South Australia under a Shorten Labor Government – and its location was revealed yesterday. [Read more…]

Hanwha Energy Seeking Australian Electricity Retailer Status

Hanwha Energy Retail Australia - Electricity Retailer Authorisation

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) announced yesterday it has accepted an electricity retailer authorisation application from Hanwha Energy Retail Australia (Hanwha ERA). [Read more…]

Pumped Hydro Storage: An Underwriting New Generation Standout

Pumped hydro energy storage

Goat Hill Project | Image: Altura Group

Pumped hydro storage projects made up half of the projects shortlisted under the Morrison Government’s Underwriting New Generation Investments program. [Read more…]

Australia’s Pumped Hydro Prospects “Destroy” Wind And Solar Arguments

Pumped Storage Hydropower (PSH)

Research out of ANU indicates pumped hydro storage projects already on the board are “more than enough to back up the grid”. [Read more…]

NEM Emissions Intensity Plummets As Renewables Capacity Increases

National Energy Emissions Audit

The Australia Institute’s (TAI’s) latest National Energy Emissions Audit for the electricity sector covering January 2019 has been released. There’s good news – thanks to renewables. [Read more…]

ScoMo’s Climate Solutions Package Panned

Prime Minister Scott Morrison - Climate Solutions Package

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison | via Facebook

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison yesterday announced the climate policy he’ll be going into the next election with. If the aim was to elicit negative reactions, then it was a rip-roaring success. [Read more…]

SolarQuotes Vodcast Episode #5

Last Friday Ronald and I sat down in SQHQ to discuss the previous 7 days on the blog. Here are the posts we discussed, along with links to the relevant place in the video. [Read more…]

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