Search Results for: south australia

Clean Energy Regulator STC Compliance Activity Update

STC compliance - Solar

Australia’s Clean Energy Regulator says it has recently undertaken compliance activities relating to the creation of small-scale technology certificates (STCs) associated with solar systems in Queensland and New South Wales – and it’s not done yet. [Read more…]

Asking Origin How Long It Takes Them To Change An Electricity Meter: An 11 Step Process

Origin energy and electricity meter changeovers

Electricity meters are low cost, reliable devices that measure how much grid your home uses.  Traditional meters need someone to come around and read them, but all new meter installations now have to be smart meters that transmit information wirelessly, making your human meter reader redundant. [Read more…]

All Systems Go For Queensland’s Haughton Solar Farm Construction

Haughton solar farm

RCR Tomlinson Ltd announced on Monday it has received a notice to go ahead with its contract for the 100MWac Haughton Solar Farm, being developed by Pacific Hydro. [Read more…]

Sungrow To Start Manufacturing Solar Inverters In India Soon

Sungrow solar inverter factory

Sungrow’s new Bangalore inverter factory could do with a few solar panels.

Chinese solar inverter manufacturer Sungrow has announced its first factory outside of China will be up and running in the second half of this year. [Read more…]

Woolworths Readying For Big Solar Unveil

More commercial solar power for Woolworths

We may soon get a look at Woolworths’ huge commercial solar power installation, said to be the largest in Australia. [Read more…]

Tesla Increases Cost Of Powerwall 2 To $9,600 — Not Including Installation

Tesla Powerwall 2 price rise

And you thought batteries were meant to be getting cheaper every year?

Sorry I’ve been slow in reporting this, but back in February Tesla raised the price of a Powerwall 2 in the United States by 400 Mickey Mouse dollars; an increase from US$5,500 to US$5,900.  We’ve also copped it sweet here in Australia and the price has increased by $600 to $9,600 before installation.  The only mitigating circumstance I can see is that all Tesla Powerwall 2 battery systems now come with full backup capability.  It’s no longer an optional feature. [Read more…]

Compulsory Solar Power For New Homes In Wollondilly Shire?

Wollondilly Shire’s Deputy Mayor wants to see solar panels compulsory for all new residential housing developments in the region. [Read more…]

Gladstone Getting Its Large-Scale Solar On

Solar farms for Gladstone, Queensland

Image: Renew Estate

A proposed solar farm project near Gladstone may be shifting sites, while a couple of other projects in the pipeline for the region will be among the largest PV facilities in Australia. [Read more…]

Ronald Checks Out 5 Electric Cars On The Streets Of Adelaide

Electric car review - Charge Together

Ronald attended the Charge Together electric vehicle event In Adelaide. Here’s what happened…

I attended an electric car event here in Adelaide on Sunday.  I thought it was a reasonable thing to do as I’d recently written about how electric cars don’t result in more CO2 emissions than the typical petrol car. Because some people have made apples to oranges comparisons between the greenhouse gas emissions produced by, lower performance petrol cars and larger, higher performance electric cars when charged from the grid, it seemed like a good idea to see with my own eyes that these people aren’t being fair dinkum. [Read more…]

Deakin University Solar Powered Microgrid Project Moving Along

Deakin University microgrid project

Image: Deakin University

Deakin University has called for contractors and suppliers to register their interest in working on the construction of its microgrid project. [Read more…]

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