Search Results for: victoria

Victorian Solar Rebates Snapped Up Again

Solar rebates in Victoria

The second allocation of Victorian solar rebates for September flew out the door yesterday – indicating supply still isn’t touching the sides of demand. [Read more…]

Victoria Bitter Spruiks Its Solar Energy Street Cred

Victoria Bitter - solar power

Carlton United Breweries (CUB) brand Victoria Bitter has launched a TV commercial highlighting its use of solar power – but the leadup was somewhat a misfire. [Read more…]

Victorian Solar Rebate September Allocation: Take 2

Victorian solar rebate September allocation

A second attempt to release September’s initial allocation of Victorian rebates for solar power systems under the state’s Solar Homes Program will be made at 9AM today. [Read more…]

Victorian Solar Rebate Release This Morning

Victoria rebate for solar panels

The first tranche of September’s boosted allocation of rebates for home solar power in Victoria will be released at 9am this morning – so, an interesting day (hours?) ahead. [Read more…]

NEWSFLASH – Big Boost To Victorian Solar Rebate Allocations

Victorian solar rebate update

The Victorian Government has listened to the concerns of the community and the state’s residential solar power sector, announcing this morning a major increase in solar panel rebate allocations for next month. [Read more…]

Victorian Greens Continue Push For 100% Renewable Energy By 2030

Victoria Greens - renewable energy

Dr. Tim Read MP | via Facebok

The Victorian Greens will move an amendment in State Parliament this week to boost the Victorian Renewable Energy Target for 2030 to 100%. [Read more…]

Victorian Solar Farm Applications In Limbo Approved

Solar farm development applications - Victoria

Three solar farm development applications for the Shepparton region have been given the nod by Victoria’s Minister for Planning, Richard Wynne. [Read more…]

Victorian Government To Boost Renewables Jobs (Cough, Splutter)

VRET and solar jobs

Image: Lily D’Ambrosio via Facebook

Victoria’s Andrews Labor Government has introduced a Bill into parliament to legislate boosting Victoria’s Renewable Energy Target (VRET) to 50 per cent by 2030. This is great, but… [Read more…]

Incompetent Andrews Government Refuses To Admit Mistake. Would Rather Hurt Victorians.

Victorian solar rebate mess

An exclusive shot of Solar Victoria’s efficient new process for handling solar installation businesses.

Well, that’s it.  They have made their decision.  The Andrews Government in Victoria had a clear moral choice.  They could either… [Read more…]

Gone In 90 Minutes: Victoria’s Solar Rebate

Victorian solar rebate

July’s allocation of Victoria’s solar power rebate went fast, but it had nothing on the speed August’s quota flew out the door – again leaving many disappointed and the state’s home solar sector deeper in crisis. [Read more…]

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