Search Results for: tasmania

How To Maximise Electricity Bill Savings With Solar Power

If you’ve installed solar panels – congratulations! Here’s what Finn advises you do next to make the most of your solar power system so you’ll end up with the lowest possible electricity bills. [Read more…]

How Big A Deposit Should You Pay Your Solar Installer?

Solar power system installation deposits information

What are the rules about deposits when buying solar power systems?

This post is going to be light on words, but the topic is worth covering. It arose from a couple of questions SolarQuotes founder Finn Peacock asked me to research: what’s a “normal” start-work deposit to offer a solar PV installer, and is there deposit protection for consumers? [Read more…]

Bigger Is Better — Installing Over 6 Kilowatts Of Solar Almost Always Pays

3 kW vs 6.5 kW - Solar Energy - Bigger Is Better

If you asked me how much solar you should put on your roof I would say, “As much as you can without doing something stupid like borrowing from the mafia or doubling up on solar panels by stacking them on top of each other.”  In other words, install as much as you can without making problems for yourself. [Read more…]

Who Has The Cheapest Electricity Plans For Solar Owners?

Winner's podium showing cheapest electricity plans for 6.5kW solar owners -- Amaysim, Origin, and Energy Australia.

The cheapest electricity plans for 6.5kW solar owners (with median self-consumption) are Amaysim, Origin, and Energy Australia.

The three most populous states — and South Australia — all have electricity retailer choice.  This gives people the freedom to choose the electricity plan that’s best for them, while electricity retailers do their best to stop that from happening. [Read more…]

Charging Your EV From The Grid Is Cheaper & Greener Than Charging From A Home Battery

Charging electric car from a solar battery

Solar & EV owners: don’t stress about charging your car directly from the grid when the sun isn’t shining.

The first thing I’ll do in this article is point out it’s difficult to fit caveats into a headline.  The second thing I’ll do now I’m writing the article and have the space to explain is state there are exceptions to the two main points I am about to make, which are:

  1. It doesn’t make economic sense to charge an electric car with a home battery.
  2. Charging an electric car with a grid-connected solar-battery is worse for the environment than simply charging it from the grid.

[Read more…]

Fourex Beer Now Brewed With A Helping Hand From Solar Energy

Solar powered beer - Fourex

Solar powered Fourex beer – a lot of shading on those panels – perhaps it was early morning/late afternoon.

There will be a bit of sunshine in every Fourex beer thanks to a rooftop solar power system installed at the Castlemaine Perkins brewery in the Brisbane suburb of Milton. [Read more…]

Simple Payback Time For 6.5 kW Of Rooftop Solar By Australian Capital — June 2019

solar panel payback

Discover typical solar payback in 2019 for each of Australia’s state capitals.

One year and one month ago I wrote about the simple payback time of rooftop solar, which is how long it takes the savings from solar power to equal the cost of a system.  In most Australian capitals it took around 5 years or less, which meant rooftop PV was one of the best investments households could make.

I have done the same thing again — except differently [Read more…]

How Much Rooftop Solar Power Can Be Installed In Australia?

Rooftop solar power in Australia

Ever wondered how much rooftop solar panel capacity could in theory be installed in Australia given the rooftop real estate available in this country? Here’s an answer. [Read more…]

Australia’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions Were Up Again In 2018

Australia Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2018

Preliminary estimates submitted by the Australian Government to the UN indicate the country’s greenhouse gas emissions were up again last year – the fourth year in a row. [Read more…]

Walkout Thwarts City Of Hobart Climate Change Emergency Debate

City of Hobart - Climate Change

Image: Barrylb

A debate on whether City of Hobart (Council) would officially declare a “climate and biodiversity emergency” had to be abandoned after three councillors walked out. [Read more…]

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