Search Results for: northern territory

NEG – COAG Energy Council Meeting Outcome

At the COAG Energy Council Meeting on Friday, the Federal Government was told to get its act together on the National Energy Guarantee if it is to have any hope of getting it over the line. [Read more…]

Power Of Choice Meter Reforms Result In Powerful Conflicts Of Interest

electricity meter

A new scheme called “The Power Of Choice” has moved responsibility for meters to the retailers.

On the first of December 2017 responsibility for electricity meters in the National Energy Market or NEM changed hands1.  The NEM is a National Electricity Market that apparently thinks Western Australia and the Northern Territory are other countries because they’re not included.

The job of installing and maintaining electricity meters was taken from Distributed Network Service Providers or DNSPs and given to Electricity Retailers.  In other words, it was taken from the people who distribute electricity from long distance transmission lines to homes and businesses and given to the people who bill you for electricity. [Read more…]

Solar Power For Humpty Doo Barramundi Farm

Barramundi Farm - Solar Energy

Humpty Doo Barramundi Farm, the first NAIF loan recipient in the Northern Territory, will soon embark on a major expansion including solar energy to help power its operations. [Read more…]

March Australian Rooftop Solar Installations Break Record

Solar installations in Australia during March

Image: Stocksnap

March rooftop solar power system installs in Australia represented the highest monthly capacity total ever – 127 megawatts – enough to power the equivalent of 36,710 homes says Green Energy Markets. [Read more…]

A Fracking Mess – NT’s Hydraulic Fracturing Moratorium Lifted

Fracking gas wells

Image: Simon Fraser University via Flickr

Northern Territory Chief Minister Michael Gunner yesterday announced his government will go ahead with permitting fracking of onshore unconventional shale gas reservoirs in the NT, ending a moratorium on the activity. [Read more…]

Unconventional Gas Could Totally Frack Up Emissions Efforts In The NT

Analysis of the final report into fracking in the Northern Territory reveals the practice could dwarf the emissions reduction benefits from the NT’s renewable energy aspirations. [Read more…]

Feed-In Tariffs Hurt The Economics Of Batteries

Installing a home battery system right now will not save you money. Maybe in a year or two it will, but I have a very short time horizon so that’s almost like never to me.

As of March 2018 I know of no battery system on the market that will save money for a household that has anything approaching normal electricity consumption. [Read more…]

Sydney Now Has The Most Affordable Electricity. Adelaide The Most Expensive

Electricity prices in Australia

In May last year I investigated what the total cost of electricity was for a typical household in Australia’s states and territories.  I found that rather than South Australia having the most expensive electricity, as the Coalition claimed, once the effects of fixed charges and controlled loads for hot water were taken into account, it was the second cheapest state for household electricity.

[Read more…]

Commercial Solar For Small Businesses Can Pay Back In Under 3 Years

commercial solar power system

Don’t let soaring power bills kill your business – commercial solar can slash your bills.

Business is a kind of miracle where humans put aside their natural desire to screech and fling stuff at each other to work together to achieve common goals.  And the most common goal among businesses that are still in business is making money.  Unfortunately, focusing on this has led to some undesirable consequences such melting the icecaps.

If our civilization wants to continue as an ongoing concern then we need to make money in a way that doesn’t damage the environment.  Fortunately, I know something that can help business both make money and protect the environment and that something is commercial rooftop solar power. [Read more…]

Australian Solar Systems Interest Index – January 2018

auSSII solar report - January 2018

While the holiday season and lead-up to it had an impact on the number of Australians looking at going solar (as it often does), interest in new solar power installations was still very strong in December. [Read more…]

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