Search Results for: coal ash

Federal Election ’22: Clean Energy Scorecard, The Good, The Meh, & The Ugly

Australian Federal Election 2022 - clean energy policy comparisons

The federal election is only four weeks away, so I decided to make an in depth study of the environmental policies of all major political parties and rank them from best to worst:

  • Greens
  • Labor
  • Coalition

That didn’t take long. [Read more…]

IPCC: Humanity At A Crossroads On Emissions

IPCC climate report

Without immediate and deep emissions reductions across the board, limiting global warming to 1.5°C will be beyond humanity’s reach says a new IPCC report. [Read more…]

Elon Musk Delivers Surprise “Resilience Day” Presentation

Tesla's Elon Musk - Resilience Day presentation

This morning, at 2:00 am Adelaide time, I watched Elon Musk’s “Resilience Day” announcement.  I wasn’t happy about the timing.  I had under four hours warning of the event and less than 3 hours sleep. 

But I made the sacrifice so I could tell you not only how Tesla is coping with supply chain disruptions and raw material price increases, but also how Elon Musk is working to ensure humanity’s long term survival. [Read more…]

Federal Budget Fails On Renewables And Climate

Federal Budget 2022-23 - renewables and climate

The smattering of new cash for renewables and the lack of real action on climate change in last night’s Federal Budget have been criticised. [Read more…]

Bowen’s Battery Bonanza Bandwagon Rolls On

Chris Bowen and community batteries

Shadow Minister for Climate Change and Energy Chris Bowen is continuing his community battery pledging spree. [Read more…]

NSW Solar Battery Loans Go Begging

NSW Empowering Homes solar battery loans

New South Wales’ Empowering Homes Program (remember that?) still appears to be stuck in pilot mode. [Read more…]

Feed-in Tariffs & Electricity Prices Likely To Rise In 2022. Here’s Why.

Australian electricity prices and feed-in tariffs

Wholesale electricity prices increased across most of Australia this financial year. Retail electricity prices should soon follow. [Read more…]

Can Solar Power Help Push Pokies Out Of Clubs?

Solar power for clubs in the ACT

A program in the ACT will help clubs reduce not only their emissions and energy bills, but also reliance on revenue from gaming machines. [Read more…]

Creative Commercial Solar Installations In Australia

Creative commercial solar

Solar panels on a rooftop are always exciting to look at, although I may be a bit biased. But some businesses and other organisations have been getting creative in how they present their renewable energy installations and what they signify to the world. [Read more…]

Campbell Newman Continues Push For Nuclear Power In Australia

Campbell Newman - Nuclear power in Australia

Campbell Newman is busy spruiking the Liberal Democrats’ “Freedom Manifesto” and the party’s penchant for nuclear power in Australia. [Read more…]

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