Solar Quotes Blog

Stop Hot Spots: Simple Solar Panel Maintenance Tips

Recently, I found myself back on the roof of a shed I hadn’t worked on for at least a dozen years. The solar hadn’t gone anywhere, but damn, it needed a clean.

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Learn And Earn: Call For Aspiring Home Energy Assessors

NatHERS Home Energy Assessor training

Ever wanted to be an accredited home energy assessor? Here’s an opportunity for some to get on the path while making a few bucks – and no previous experience required.

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RedEarth To Manufacture Bi-Directional EV Chargers In Australia

RedEarth bidirectional charger

Queensland battery solutions provider RedEarth has teamed up with a German firm for the manufacture of DC V2G bi-directional EV chargers right here in Australia. The announcement had some excited and me a bit confused.

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PowerPlus Energy Scores Victorian Government Grant

PowerPlus Energy batteries

Melbourne solar battery firm PowerPlus Energy is among four manufacturing businesses to share in more than $1 million of Victorian Government funding.

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NSW Battery Rebate: It’s Payback Time

NSW battery rebate and system payback

New South Wales’ battery rebate can knock thousands off the cost of a home energy storage system. So, how does that impact simple payback?

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Solved: The Voltage Mismatch Causing Sungrow Inverters to Drop Power

Like any complex modern technology, solar inverters often have flaws. In this post, I’ll explore one of the most curious problems I’ve seen in recent years. Thanks go to Sungrow for keeping my job interesting…

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CEFC Mulls Over $75M Investment In ING Green Loan Program

ING Australia green loan

The Clean Energy Finance Corporation is contemplating teaming up with ING Australia on a low-rate green home upgrade loan offer via the Household Energy Upgrades Fund.

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Solar Still A Top Priority For Australian Home Buyers

Australian property buyers and solar energy.

Solar power and/or hot water systems are among the top ten key features for Australians looking to buy a home according to a recently published survey report. But buyer beware.

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AEMC’s Electricity Pricing Review: Next Steps

Australian electricity pricing review

The Australian Energy Market Commission’s efforts in ensuring electricity pricing frameworks are more in line with how Australians want to utilise and interact with the energy system are going to be a long haul – but another step has been taken.

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Enphase Energy Shedding ~500 Jobs Globally

Enphase staff cuts

Microinverter, energy storage and EV charger manufacturer Enphase Energy has announced it will be slashing its global team by approximately 17%, and cutting other non-essential expenses.

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