Search Results for: south australia

In Brief – WA: Industrial Park Microgrid, Smart Meter Rollout Begins

Solar powered microgrid, advanced meter rollout in WA

What’s been called Australia’s first industrial renewable energy microgrid is to be established at the Peel Business Park in Nambeelup, Western Australia. Also in WA, Western Power’s big advanced meter rollout has begun. [Read more…]

Megawatt-Scale Floating Solar Project For NZ

Floating solar energy - New Zealand

A PV project in New Zealand won’t just be the nation’s largest solar power installation, but also its first floating solar farm. [Read more…]

City Of Adelaide (Council) Declares Climate Emergency

City of Adelaide - Climate Emergency

With the addition of Adelaide on Tuesday, five of Australia’s capital city CBD councils have now declared a climate emergency. [Read more…]

Another Solar Shopping Centre – Stockland Baringa

Stockland Baringa - solar power

Property developer Stockland is officially opening a shopping centre in a new Sunshine Coast suburb this weekend, a facility that will feature solar power. [Read more…]

NSW’s New England Region A Hotbed Of Solar Activity

Solar energy in New England

All going well, the New England region of New South Wales will have gigawatts of additional large-scale solar energy capacity in the not-too-distant future. [Read more…]

Avonlie Solar Farm Application Approved

Avonlie solar farm

The Avonlie Solar Farm project in New South Wales recently received development approval from the state’s Department of Planning & Environment. [Read more…]

Frankston’s Biggest Solar Power Project Complete

Bayside shopping centre solar energy installation

The final stage of work on a huge solar power system on the rooftop Vicinity Centres’ Bayside shopping centre in Frankston, Victoria is now complete. [Read more…]

Solar Energy Pushes Muja Power Station Coal Units Into Retirement

Muja Power Station

Muja Power Station Circa 2001 – Image: Nachoman-au, CC BY-SA 3.0.

Western Australia’s McGowan Government has announced another two coal-fired electricity generation units at Synergy’s Muja Power Station will be retired from October 2022. [Read more…]

SolarQuotes Vodcast Episode 24 – A Chilly Reception

Discover why Finn won’t turn on heating in SolarQuotes’ office. The pair also chat about SwitchDin’s little box of tricks, Tesla Megapack, Enphase and more. [Read more…]

Horizon Power Selects SwitchDin For Onslow Microgrid Tech

Horizon Power and SwitchDin - Western Australia

Western Australia’s Horizon Power has tapped SwitchDin to provide special controllers to accommodate high levels of small-scale solar and batteries in the Onslow region. [Read more…]

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