Search Results for: south australia

Loddon Shire Council To Decide On Solar Farm

Bendigo solar farm

Image: BayWa r.e

A meeting of Loddon Shire councillors this afternoon may decide the fate of a proposed BayWa r.e. solar energy project not far from Bendigo in Victoria. [Read more…]

Celebrating Matt Kean Awareness Day

Minister Matt Kean

Here are some quick notes members of the Morrison Ministry may find handy in case they are ever asked who Matt Kean is. [Read more…]

More Solar Energy For Somerset Regional Council

Somerset Regional Council - solar panels

Solar panels have recently appeared on the rooftops of another three Somerset Regional Council buildings as part of a Council initiative to reduce energy costs and emissions. [Read more…]

AGL Macquarie Cops $100,000 Coal Ash Penalty

Coal ash penalty

The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) says AGL Macquarie has entered into an Enforceable Undertaking that will see it coughing up $100,000 after another breach of regulations concerning the management of coal ash. [Read more…]

New Wind, Solar, Energy Storage And Gas Power For Esperance

Esperance Power Project

Image via Horizon Power

The town of Esperance in Western Australia is to benefit from a from a major project that will deliver cleaner and greener electricity at a greatly reduced cost. [Read more…]

Study: Coal Power Shutdowns Saved Lives And Crops

Coal power shutdown effect on human and crop health

A study out of University of California San Diego states coal-fired electricity generation shutdowns in the USA have saved tens of thousands of lives and millions of bushels of important crops. [Read more…]

AEMO Says They Will Support A Broken Market System That Puts Lives In Danger

AEMO 2020 Integrated System Plan

Australia’s Energy Markets Are Broken Because They Ignore Externalities

You would think the middle of a horrendous bushfire season — at a time when large areas of New South Wales were ablaze and air quality in Sydney was worse than Shanghai thanks to smoke hanging in the air like the ghost of gums before drifting out to sea — would be a bad time for the Australia Energy Market Operator (AEMO) to announce they are okay with people dying from fossil fuel use as long as someone is making money from it. [Read more…]

JA Solar To Build New Cell And Panel Manufacturing Plants

JA Solar panels

Chinese PV manufacturer JA Solar has announced intentions of expanding its manufacturing capacity with the construction of two new factories in Yiwu City, Zhejiang Province. [Read more…]

Shoalhaven Solar Owners’ Water Restrictions Reprieve

Solar panels and bushfire ash

Image: Fuzz

While water restrictions are in place in NSW’s Shoalhaven Council region, residential solar system owners have been granted an exemption to wash bushfire ash off their solar panels. [Read more…]

New Energy Solar Announces U.S. Solar Farm Completion

Mount Signal Solar

Australia’s New Energy Solar has announced construction of the Mount Signal 2 solar plant in California is complete. [Read more…]

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