Search Results for: south australia

Eurobodalla Shire Council: Solar A Safe Bet

Eurobodalla Shire - solar energy

New South Wales’ Eurobodalla Shire Council recently sang the praises of residential and commercial solar power – and it has the experience under its belt to do so. [Read more…]

Dubbo Regional Council Joins Cities Power Partnership

Dubbo Regional Council - solar energy

Image: Google Street View

New South Wales’ Dubbo Regional Council has announced it is now a member of the Climate Council’s Cities Power Partnership (CPP) program. [Read more…]

Danish Study Shows Solar Panel Optimisers Aren’t Always Optimal

Danish study - solar panel optimisers

Have solar panel optimiser manufacturers been too optimistic in their performance claims? A Danish study says optimisers can be the opposite of optimal.

Solar systems hate shade.  They really do.  Sometimes they talk to me in my dreams and it’s always their number one complaint, right after being pooped on by birds.  But these two problems are related — they hate bird poop because it shades their solar cells. [Read more…]

Swansea University Chooses Redflow ZBM2 Flow Batteries

Redflow battery installation - Swansea University

Britain’s Swansea University has purchased a bunch of batteries from Australian energy storage manufacturer Redflow. [Read more…]

Most Commercial Solar Can Now Get Instant Asset Write-Off Until June 30

Commercial solar instant asset write-off

It’s a great time to buy commercial solar power to slash your energy bills. And the new $150,000 instant asset write-off can reduce your tax bill too.

Due to the economic hit from the coronavirus COVID-19 and bushfire disasters, the Federal Government has announced a $17.6 billion economic stimulus.  It includes tax deduction incentives that make commercial solar power — and other investments — even more attractive.  [Read more…]

AC? DC! Why SunCable Chose DC To Export Aussie Sun to Singapore

Sun Cable and HVDC

Millions of solar panels sending Australian solar energy to Singapore via a 3,800 km cable. Crazy or genius?

I first learned about how the electricity grid works in the early 1980s, which meant I was taught the conventional wisdom of the times: high-voltage AC (alternating current) transmission was ubiquitous because it was the most efficient way to send electricity the long distances needed by the electricity grid. [Read more…]

NSW Regional Community Energy Project Funding Winners Announced

NSW Regional Community Energy Fund grants

Image: UNSW

The Berejiklian Government has announced recipients sharing in more than $15 million in grants for community energy projects in regional areas across New South Wales. [Read more…]

Dumaresq Solar Farm Project Progress

Dumaresq Solar Farm

If you haven’t heard of the Dumaresq Solar Farm project in New South Wales yet, it’s probably because little has been written about it. [Read more…]

100% Renewables Is Hard – But 96% Is Easy Says Windlab’s David Osmond

96% Renewable Energy In Australia

The road to 96% renewables is relatively cheap and easy. So let’s crack on!

A common delaying tactic of the enemies of our environment is to repeatedly remind us getting to 100% renewables, even for electricity generation, is difficult and expensive.

100% renewable is expensive, says Windlab’s David Osmond – but getting nearly all the way there, 96%, is easy and relatively cheap. [Read more…]

Blacktown City Council Commits To 100% Renewables (Electricity)

Blacktown - Renewable Energy

On Wednesday night, Sydney’s Blacktown City Council voted in favour of a target of 100% renewable electricity for its operations by 2025. [Read more…]

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