Search Results for: south australia

Electrify 2515: Australia’s First Fully Electric Community?

Electrify 2515

Rewiring Australia is hoping to subsidise and support around 500 households in New South Wales’ 2515 postcode area to go fully electric. [Read more…]

Bendigo Bank’s Australian-Made Solar Panel Rollout Continues

Tindo Solar - Bendigo and Adelaide Bank

Bendigo and Adelaide Bank have been busy installing more solar panels manufactured in South Australia on the rooftops of the organisation’s buildings. [Read more…]

South Fremantle Solar Farm A Fizzer

South Fremantle Solar decision

After being in the pipeline for years, it’s looking like a proposed urban solar farm in Western Australia’s South Fremantle won’t be going ahead. [Read more…]

Legal Intervention On Australian Coal And Gas Proposals

Coal and gas projects - legal intervention

The Environment Council of Central Queensland (ECoCeQ) is urging Australia’s Environment Minister to reconsider 19 coal and gas proposals; using what it says is a rarely used provision of the EPBC Act. [Read more…]

An Idiot’s Guide To Australia’s Electricity Price Problem

Electricity price increases in Australia

How most Aussies reacted when they found out their new electricity rates.

Unless you live under a rock, you’d have heard about the blowout in wholesale electricity prices in the eastern states. Things were so bad that on the 14th of June, AEMO suspended the wholesale electricity market for the first time in its history. [Read more…]

Australian Solar Prices: June 2022 Update

SolarQuotes Australian Solar Price Report  - June 2022

Which state had the cheapest solar power systems overall last month? Here’s a hint – the initials are WA. Discover what Australians across the country were paying for solar in May 2022. [Read more…]

Chris Bowen: Australia’s New Minister For Climate Change And Energy 

Australian Federal Minister for Climate Change and Energy Chris Bowen

Chris “Community Battery” Bowen was sworn in as Australia’s Federal Minister for Climate Change and Energy yesterday, and he’s pretty chuffed about it. [Read more…]

Australian Solar Prices: May 2022 Update

SolarQuotes Australian Solar Price Report  - May 2022

How much were Australians paying for solar power systems in April 2022? Find out in the latest SolarQuotes Australian Solar Price Report. [Read more…]

Coal Power Connection In Australia’s “Most Polluted” Postcodes

Coal power air pollution - Australia

Tarong Power Station in 2021 | Image: DiamondIIIXX – CC BY-SA 4.0

Six of the ten Australian postcodes determined to have the highest levels of five dangerous air pollutants have something in common – coal power plants within their boundaries. [Read more…]

SHASA Seeking Support For NSW South Coast Community Solar Farm

NSW South Coast community solar farm feasibility study

The Southcoast Health and Sustainability Alliance (SHASA) is looking for Eurobodalla Shire Council’s blessing for a proposed feasibility study on the potential for a community solar farm and battery storage project in the region. [Read more…]

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