Search Results for: hydrogen

Risen Energy Providing Solar Panels For Bushfire Relief Efforts

Risen solar panels Resilient Energy Collective

Risen Energy Australia says it will supply its solar panels for modular solar and energy storage systems being rolled out in bushfire affected communities. [Read more…]

CEC Touts Clean Energy Led COVID-19 Economic Recovery

Clean Energy Recovery

The Clean Energy Council says an economic recovery led by accelerated renewables and energy storage investment could create tens of thousands of jobs and position Australia as a clean energy superpower. [Read more…]

WA EPA Thumbs Up For Asian Renewable Energy Hub

Asian Renewable Energy Hub

A proposed huge wind and solar energy project in Western Australia’s East Pilbara region looks like it has cleared another hurdle, subject to conditions. [Read more…]

Shell Pledges Net Zero Emissions

Shell - net zero emissions

Has fossil fuel goliath Shell had a real road to Damascus moment? The company says it plans to become a net-zero emissions energy business by 2050. [Read more…]

Door-To-Door Solar Sales Warning From CEC

Door to door solar sales

Door-to-door sales haven’t been a good look for Australia’s home solar energy sector at the best of times. In the current situation, the practice would be just plain dumb. [Read more…]

NSW Regional Community Energy Project Funding Winners Announced

NSW Regional Community Energy Fund grants

Image: UNSW

The Berejiklian Government has announced recipients sharing in more than $15 million in grants for community energy projects in regional areas across New South Wales. [Read more…]

Build It And They Will Come: Transmission Key To 100% Renewable Energy

transmission lines

ANU’s Professor Andrew Blakers says we need to build out transmission lines urgently.

If you wanted to block the expansion of renewable energy, a good place to start is to put bureaucratic roadblocks in the way of new, long distance electricity transmission infrastructure.

Discussing his participation in last week’s 100% renewable energy workshop at ANU, the university’s Professor Andrew Blakers told SolarQuotes transmission is the biggest short-term problem facing renewables in Australia. [Read more…]

Tasmanian Government Sets New Renewable Energy Target

Renewable energy in Tasmana

Tasmanian Premier and Minister for Climate Change Peter Gutwein has again lifted the bar for his state’s renewable energy future. [Read more…]

100% Renewables Is Hard – But 96% Is Easy Says Windlab’s David Osmond

96% Renewable Energy In Australia

The road to 96% renewables is relatively cheap and easy. So let’s crack on!

A common delaying tactic of the enemies of our environment is to repeatedly remind us getting to 100% renewables, even for electricity generation, is difficult and expensive.

100% renewable is expensive, says Windlab’s David Osmond – but getting nearly all the way there, 96%, is easy and relatively cheap. [Read more…]

Daintree Microgrid Project Feasibility Study “On Track”

Daintree microgrid

Image via Warren Entsch MP

A feasibility study for a proposed solar-based microgrid project in Queensland’s Daintree region will be completed and delivered on time says Federal Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch. [Read more…]

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