Search Results for: community battery

Sonnen battery storage enters the Oz market, company announces peer-to-peer trading


A Sonnen Battery Storage Unit. Photo: sonnen GmbH

The surge of popularity of solar and storage in Oz has triggered a battery storage invasion as companies are keen to test our country as an ideal market. The most recent of these announcements comes from German clean energy company Sonnen[Read more…]

Tesla to shake up solar battery storage

tesla battery

The Tesla Model S battery shown here is coming to your house. (pic:

Solar energy’s Great Leap Forward in efficiency and viability is about to be joined by its natural twin, solar battery storage.

This scenario, which was hinted at by electric car manufacturer Tesla during the week, will reverberate around the energy community and send shudders down the collective spines of fossil fuel providers and their defenders in the halls of power. [Read more…]

Townsville Declared A QLD Local Renewable Energy Zone

Townsville LREZ

Queensland’s Miles Government wants to boost rooftop solar power and energy storage capacity in Townsville, and have non-solar households sharing the benefits of locally generated clean electricity. [Read more…]

VIC Neighbourhood Batteries: Readying For Round 4

Victoria's Neighbourhood Batteries Program

Round 4 of the Victorian Government’s 100 Neighbourhood Batteries Program will open for applications in August – and a new tool will help groups prepare to apply for funding. [Read more…]

Derby Hospital Solar System (Finally) Operational

Derby Hospital solar power system

Western Australia’s Derby Regional Hospital is looking forward to much cheaper electricity bills thanks to a newly installed commercial solar power system. [Read more…]

Fast-Tracking Neighbourhood Batteries In Melbourne

Neighbourhood batteries - Melbourne

The Cities of Yarra, Melbourne and Port Phillip are collaborating to understand ways installation of neighbourhood batteries can be fast-tracked in inner metropolitan Melbourne so more residents can access the benefits of solar energy. [Read more…]

Allume SolShare Makes It Easier For Stratas To Go Solar

Solar on apartments - Allume Energy Solshare review

Putting solar panels on a Strata property is often tricky. There can be technical challenges with the design and installation, not to mention the political challenges of dealing with multiple owners and a shared roof.

Making solar power easy for people in multiple occupancy buildings is a tough nut to crack.  Some good news is Allume Energy appears to have developed a powerful nutcracker in its SolShare system that distributes energy from one large solar system to multiple users in a building. [Read more…]

Sydney’s Northern Beaches’ Super Solar Savings

Sydney's Northern Beaches Council and solar energy

Northern Beaches Council is reaping significant financial benefits from a focus on energy efficiency and renewables for its operations. [Read more…]

Chris Bowen: Australia’s New Minister For Climate Change And Energy 

Australian Federal Minister for Climate Change and Energy Chris Bowen

Chris “Community Battery” Bowen was sworn in as Australia’s Federal Minister for Climate Change and Energy yesterday, and he’s pretty chuffed about it. [Read more…]

Albanese Spruiks Powering Australia Plan In Press Club Speech

Anthony Albanese - Labor and renewable energy

Australia’s best days are ahead of us said Labor Leader Anthony Albanese in his National Press Club speech and Q&A yesterday that covered everything from rats (the test kind) to renewable energy. [Read more…]

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