Solar Quotes Blog

Battery Owners: Why You Still See Small Energy Imports Despite a Full Battery

The only thing that’s grown more than electricity bills recently is the number of new solar power systems installed with batteries. I’m guessing a close third is the growth of my inbox, specifically with questions about small unwanted energy imports. Read on while I explain; please, stop emailing me…

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Air Conditioning In Australia: Time To Get Smart Says IEEFA

Smart air conditioning in Australia

Air conditioners sold in Australia need to meet minimum efficiency standards, but not minimum “smarts”. This should change says a new report from IEEFA. Here’s why.

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New Catch Control: 6 Channels Of Kick Ass Home Energy Management

For years now, Catch Power has offered what I think is the go-to consumption meter for single-phase houses. Now that the six-channel unit has arrived, your three-phase house can enjoy the same benefits. Electricity bills might be growing, but thankfully, Catch Power is adding features to its Catch Control faster than retailers can add zeroes […]

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Renew Australia For All: “Think Big And Do It Right”

Renew Australia For All

A recently launched movement backed by dozens of organisations is continuing its push for what it says will be a fairer, better and more secure future for all Australians; one underpinned by clean, renewable energy.

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Midday Is The New Off-Peak: How To Harness It With Smart Diversion

export limited solar curve

  Off-peak, ‘controlled load’ has traditionally been cheap electricity overnight, but these days, “over lunch” is the cheapest electricity ever. If you’ve got a hot water service, floor heating or a similar load, you can take advantage of this ridiculously cheap energy. Read on, and I’ll explain how.

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Australia’s Most EV-Friendly Capitals And Regions

EV-friendliness rankings

Rollin Insurance has taken a stab at determining the most EV-friendly capital cities, regions and sub-regions in Australia.

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Why I’m Selling SolarQuotes – And Why I Think Origin Is the Right Fit

the first version of the solarquotes website

On Tuesday, I signed the papers to sell SolarQuotes to Origin Energy.

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Ecogenica EG-215F Heat Pump Hot Water System Recall

Ecogenica EG-215F HWHPS recall

Australia’s national consumer product safety regulator has published a recall notice for certain Ecogenica EG-215F heat pump hot water systems over an issue related to electrical safety.

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Hinen Heading To All Energy Australia 2024

Hinen home energy storage

Chinese energy storage manufacturer Hinen will be at the All Energy Australia 2024 exhibition in Melbourne next week to show off its latest inverter and energy storage products.

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SunDrive And Trina Team Up For Australia’s Solar Sunshot

SunDrive and Trina Solar

Australian PV innovator SunDrive will lead an application for funding under the country’s Solar Sunshot program in a joint venture with China’s Trina Solar.

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