Solar Quotes Blog

Eraring Power Station Closure “Bitterly Disappointing” – Taylor

Eraring coal power station closure

The writing has been on the wall for a long while. But Federal Minister for Industry, Energy and Emissions Reduction Angus Taylor seemed genuinely shocked by news of yet another early exit of a coal power plant.

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eVTOL Aircraft To Take Off In Western Australia

Electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft (eVTOL)

Up to 50 new electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft may be flying Western Australian skies, with the first flights as early as 2026.

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Tesla Taps Australia’s Liontown For Lithium Supply

Liontown's Tesla lithium deal

Tesla has joined LG Energy Solution in jumping on board the lithium train to Australia’s Liontown.

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Victoria’s Goulburn-Murray Water Commits To 100% Renewables

Goulburn-Murray Water - renewable energy

Another Australian water utility is turning to renewable energy technologies including solar power to lighten its electricity-related carbon footprint.

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EV Bi-Directional Chargers Will Enable Home Batteries On Wheels

Electric car bi-directional chargers

SolarQuotes founder Finn Peacock recently chatted with ABC Radio Adelaide’s Sonya Feldhoff about the potential for big home batteries on wheels – electric cars – and the role of bi-directional chargers.

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South Australia’s Switch For Solar Program Expands

Switch for Solar - South Australia

SA’s Marshall Government has decided to expand its “Switch for Solar” program, which provides free solar installations for eligible low-income households.

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Helen Haines Tables Cheaper Home  Batteries Bill

Dr. Helen Haines - Cheaper Home Batteries Bill 2022

Do cheaper solar batteries sound good to you? You’ll probably like steadfast solar supporter Dr. Helen Haines’ new draft legislation, introduced yesterday.

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Which Solar Panels Can Be Installed Flat Without Voiding Their Warranty?

Solar panel warranties have lots of interesting conditions in them.  Some require panel cleaning while others forbid any shading of any panels. 

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Another Major US Energy Company Ditching Coal Power Early

Duke Energy coal power

Continuing a trend in the USA, Duke Energy announced last week it plans to accelerate its exit from coal power.

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Solar Storm Scuttles SpaceX Starlink Satellites

SpaceX Starlink satellites

Our Sun recently showed SpaceX boss Elon Musk who’s in charge, with a burst of solar energy taking out dozens of Starlink satellites.

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