Search Results for: council

Tesla Powering Ahead On Projects

Tesla Powerpack battery installation - Jamestown South Australia

Powerpack battery system, Jamestown South Australia | Image: Tesla

Tesla and its CEO, Elon Musk, have hit the headlines multiple times over the last week – here’s a roundup of some of the major stories.

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QLD’s Lilyvale Solar Farm Reaches Financial Close

Fotowatio Renewable Ventures - Lilyvale Solar Farm

It’s all systems go for Fotowatio Renewable Ventures’ 100MW Lilyvale Solar Farm, which will soon commence construction at a site around 50 kilometres from Emerald in Queensland.

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Stormwater And Solar Power To Drought-Proof Sydney Sports Park

Image : Google Earth

A solar-powered water recycling project has been launched by Sydney’s Blacktown City Council, capturing stormwater for sports field irrigation at Blacktown International Sportspark.

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Poll : No Public Cash For Liddell Power Station Life Support

Liddell Power Station

Results from a recent poll indicate 77% of Australians believe public money should not be used to keep coal-fired clunker Liddell Power Station open past 2022.

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Approval Granted For 60MW Mareeba Solar Farm

Queensland’s Mareeba Shire Council has approved plans for Mareeba Solar Farm, a facility that will boast 196,000 solar panels.

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Go-Ahead For 250MW Western Downs Solar Farm

Western Downs Regional Council has announced approval of another large-scale solar farm in its region – the second to be approved by Council this week.

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Ditch Wind And Solar Power Subsidies, Forget The CET : Abbott

Tony Abbott takes aim at wind and solar power

Not a fan of wind and solar power, but appears to like wave energy | via Facebook.

Ex-Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s latest dummy spit on renewables is same-old, same-old – but it has turned up the coal-fired heat on the Turnbull Government.

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University of Southern Queensland To Save Millions With Solar Power

Univerisity of Southern Queensland solar energy installation

Solar panels lifted onto the roof of USQ Springfield’s Building B

Stage two of University of Southern Queensland’s Sustainable Energy Solution project is well under way, with solar panels being installed on rooftops at USQ’s Springfield and Ipswich campuses.

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Solar Powered Street Vending With Musana Carts

Musana carts

Musana Carts aims to improve the lives of street vendors in developing  nations with solar-powered street vending carts.

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Ross River Solar Farm Update

Ross River Solar Farm

Initial preparation works are under way at the site of the 148-megawatt Ross River Solar Farm near Townsville in Queensland.

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