Search Results for: canberra

Orange Community Renewable Energy Park Plans Unveiled

Orange Community Renewable Energy Park Plans Unveiled

Image: Google Maps

ITP Development is proposing a solar farm with battery storage for a site approximately 6 kilometres north of Orange in New South Wales. [Read more…]

Oh No, Not You Again – Barnaby Eyes Nationals Leadership

Barnaby Joyce - coal

Barnaby Joyce – (they say the eyes are the mirror of the soul)

The Nationals are at it again and there’s a chance by the end of today Barnaby Joyce may be the party’s leader (again) – and Australia’s Deputy Prime Minister. [Read more…]

SolarQuotes’ New Retail Electricity Plan Comparison Tool Can Save You Money — It Let Me Afford Pizza

Electricity plan comparison tool

Introducing Solarquotes New Retail Electricity Plan Comparison Tool:  It Will Pay For Pizza!

I’m paying way too much for electricity.  It’s driving me broke!  Financially I was doing okay until I told everyone I’d buy them pizza and it end up costing me $90.  How can pizza cost $90?  It’s dough, tomato sauce, ham, pineapple, and maybe some corn if you’re Japanese.  How can that be $90?  We only had four of them! [Read more…]

JinkoSolar Boasts Bifacial Panel Conversion Efficiency Record

JinkoSolar bifacial solar panels

Solar module manufacturer JinkoSolar has staked a claim for achieving the highest conversion efficiency in bifacial panels to date. [Read more…]

Bushfire Smoke Impact On Rooftop Solar Energy Output

Bushfire smoke and solar panels

A solar monitoring company has found output from rooftop solar panel systems in Sydney and Canberra was significantly impacted on recent heavy bushfire smoke haze days. [Read more…]

Survey Indicates Strong Support For Australian Carbon Dividend Plan

Australian Carbon Dividend Plan (ACDP)

A UNSW Sydney community survey indicates strong support for a plan to tax carbon emissions, with the proceeds redistributed to Australians. But there may be a sting in its tail for renewables. [Read more…]

The “Solar Rebate” Is Not Ending: Don’t Be Fooled By Misleading Ads

Australia's solar rebate is not ending

The “solar rebate” does not end this year. In fact rooftop solar power may be cheaper early next year.

DON’T PANIC!  Despite attempts by dodgy advertisers1 to convince you otherwise, the “solar rebate” isn’t ending any time soon.  Renewable energy certificates (called STCs) will still be lowering the cost of rooftop solar for years to come.  To be precise, for another 11 years, 1 month, and 2 days. [Read more…]

7 Ways To Get Rid Of Unwanted Solar Panels

Solar panel recycling and disposal

Upgrading or replacing your solar panels? Here’s 7 options for disposing of the old ones.

An unfortunate fact is solar panels eventually die.  While good quality panels can survive over 30 years exposure to the elements, a crap one might fail after only two months because it was damaged when it left the factory.  But whether your panels are the cream of the crop or scum off the top of a pot full of rot, they will die.  It will just happen a lot sooner to the crap ones. [Read more…]

SolarQuotes Vodcast Episode 29 – Powerwall Price Shenanigans

Finn and Ronald discuss the Tesla Powerwall 2 price drop in SA, Victoria’s solar rebate rollout, Chinese panels with a German-ish name and more. [Read more…]

City Of Adelaide (Council) Declares Climate Emergency

City of Adelaide - Climate Emergency

With the addition of Adelaide on Tuesday, five of Australia’s capital city CBD councils have now declared a climate emergency. [Read more…]

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