Old School Solar Sales Tactics That You Should Not Tolerate

Solar Power is a very new and very fast growing industry. That makes it an exciting thing to be part of, and attracts a lot of interesting, enthusiastic and hard working people, most of whom believe passionately in what they are selling.

Unfortunately it also attracts people and companies that appear to have no other motive than to make as much cash as possible in as short a period of time as possible. Now there is nothing at all wrong with trying to maximise the profitability of your business. That’s just good business. But if you are maximising your short term profits by throwing your ethics out of the window, then that is wrong, dumb and short sighted. In the 21st century your actions will catch up with you.

That is one of the main reasons I started collecting Solar Installer Reviews.

Over the past 4 years, I’ve found that the common theme amongst the bad ‘uns in the Solar Power game seems to be their old school, hard sell, sales tactics. If you’ve ever been cold called by a solar power company knocking on your door, you’ll probably recognise some of these tactics. I personally believe these tactics are wrong, counter productive, insulting to the customer and have no place in this industry. See if you agree:

Slimy Sales Technique #1 : Will your Wife be home?

SALESPERSON: “I’ll only make an appointment to discuss your requirements if your wife/husband is at home too…”

The reason behind this is that they usually want to pressure you into signing up there and then – and don’t want you to have the excuse that you have to discuss it with your wife.

Give me a break! As soon as most people hear this they, quite rightly, tell the salesperson to take a hike. Stupid tactic that is counter productive.


Slimy Sales Technique #2 : Start at a stupidly high price and come down to a very high price.

Unfortunately this is still prevalent. There is a company out there that starts at about $20,000 for a 2kW solar system (going rate is $3k-$4k). After much theatre, they “do every thing they can” and get it down to a “ridiculously low” $9,000. What they don’t tell you is that you are still paying twice as much as you should!

See here for the current cost of solar power so you don’t get stung!


Slimy Sales Technique #3 : Offer thousands of dollars off the price in exchange for signage.

What if they do a crap job? You’ve still got to advertise their services? No way. Don’t sell out. It is usually only a part of technique #2 above anyway.


Slimy Sales Technique #4 : Waiving the cooling off period.

Nothing makes one of these old school sales people lose more sleep than your legally required cooling off period combined with internet research. If you have been charged too much, they don’t want you to find out and switch vendors.Their solution? They’ll tell you you’ll get a quicker install if you waive your cooling off period. Don’t do that. Ever. Report them to the ACCC and kick them out of your home.


Slimy Sales Technique #5 : Sign up right now or this amazing deal is gone!!!

If it is such a good deal, why can’t you do a bit of research and then accept it when your research has confirmed what a great deal it is?


What solar sales techniques have you been exposed to? Did they work? Let rip below!

About Finn Peacock

I'm a Chartered Electrical Engineer, Solar and Energy Efficiency nut, dad, and the founder of SolarQuotes.com.au. I started SolarQuotes in 2009 and the SolarQuotes blog in 2013 with the belief that it’s more important to be truthful and objective than popular. My last "real job" was working for the CSIRO in their renewable energy division. Since 2009, I’ve helped over 800,000 Aussies get quotes for solar from installers I trust. Read my full bio.


  1. Glenn Koch says

    Slimy Sales Technique #3 : Offer thousands of dollars off the price in exchange for signage. and
    Slimy Sales Technique #5 : Sign up right now or this amazing deal is gone!!!
    Slimy Sales Technique #2 : Start at a stupidly high price and come down to a very high price
    Slimy Sales Technique #1 : Will your Wife be home?
    yep a company up here in Cairns love using these lines everytime, massively overpriced. ..but for you today we have a super special…. I laugh at the prices and cry for the people who buy from them, especially when l tell them my price, had one person get real shitty at me when l told her my price… Now they have another catcher in the supermarkets, a “free” $ 2500 cheque for a lucky buyer at the end of the years draw. give me a break…

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