Massive solar plant to electrify the town of Public Servants

The selection process begins next month for the proposed Solar Plant within the Australian Capital Territory. Several appropriate sites within the ACT have been identified by the Government and will be named at the beginning of the selection.

The Government has stated the new Solar Power Plant will have to produce a minimum amount of energy of 22 megawatts which is enough to provide the energy for ten thousand houses. A $30 million subsidy is being offered by the Government for the construction of the plant which should be situated in the ACT.

Simon Corbell, the Minister for Energy, has stated that any benefits produced by the new Solar Power Plant by way of financial activity during the period of construction and preferably whilst in operation should exist in the ACT. They wish any employment to come from within the territory and hope that Canberra will become the capital of solar in Australia.

One of the major contenders for the Solar Power Plant construction contract is ActewAGL, the first multi-utility, joint venture operation in Australia. It’s CEO, Michael Costello, has confirmed that the company has already made a large investment in a feasibility study although denies it was done to get preferential treatment on their bid for the Plant. Mr Costello explained that the feasibility study was to confirm their projections that there was sufficient sunlight and to collect some economics data. He also said they expect the same treatment as other companies when it comes to the decision.
If successful in their bid for the Solar Power Plant, Michael Costello has stated that they intend to develope the project over time using a very modular system, “We will have to become skilled in this area and AGL needs to fully understand just what is the best way to operate in order that they will be able to work in a commercial environment, which has not happened in Australia yet.”

About Finn Peacock

I'm a Chartered Electrical Engineer, Solar and Energy Efficiency nut, dad, and the founder of I started SolarQuotes in 2009 and the SolarQuotes blog in 2013 with the belief that it’s more important to be truthful and objective than popular. My last "real job" was working for the CSIRO in their renewable energy division. Since 2009, I’ve helped over 800,000 Aussies get quotes for solar from installers I trust. Read my full bio.

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