More Community Hall Solar On The Cards In Horsham LGA

Community hall solar in Horsham LGA, Victoria

Victoria’s Horsham Rural City Council’s 2020-21 Draft Budget includes cash to put solar panels on more community halls within its boundaries.

Council says it has a number of small community halls for which the major operating expense is electricity. It has already installed solar panels on a number of halls and plans to add PV to the remaining facilities that don’t have them, being:

  • Hamilton Lamb Hall (Horsham)
  • Telangatuk Community Hall
  • Natimuk Shire Offices
  • Jung Community Hall
  • Laharum Community Hall
  • Natimuk Soldiers Hall
  • Sailors Home Hall (Horsham)

Capacities of the systems aren’t noted in the Draft Budget, but $55,000 has been earmarked for the rollout that is intended to kick off in July this year and be completed by the end of June next year.

“The solar power installation will ease the financial burden on local committees, as well as contributing to a sustainable future,” states Council.

Horsham Rural City Council has taken a shine to solar energy in recent times – during the 2019-2020 financial year, panels have been installed on:

  • Horsham Town Hall (70kW)
  • Aquatic Centre (100kW)
  • Mibus Centre (28kW)
  • Dadswells Bridge, Mitre (pictured above) and Taylors Lake community halls.

Zero Carbon Plan In The Works

The Draft Budget document also mentions a Zero Carbon Plan is being developed and should be completed this month.

“Projects will be identified from the Zero Carbon Plan, once finalised, based on a combination of best value (i.e. biggest carbon reduction per $) and affordability.”

So perhaps there may be more solar energy to come as PV provides plenty of carbon reduction bang for buck. Council mentions its budget has been greatly impacted by the fallout from COVID-19.

“Council’s revenue has taken a huge hit, like our businesses, and we have responded with this proposed budget in the best way we can, without really knowing what the true extent of the impact on our community will be,” said Chief Executive Officer Sunil Bhalla.

As Horsham already recognises, PV can help put money back into its coffers – and pretty quickly too; with payback on small systems just a few years.

Submissions on the Draft Budget are invited and Council will meet to formally consider the document at its meeting on Monday, 27 July.

Horsham Rural City is situated in the heart of the Victoria’s Wimmera region. It has a population of 19,880 and covers an area of 4,267 square kilometres; with approximately three quarters of residents living within Horsham’s urban area.

About Michael Bloch

Michael caught the solar power bug after purchasing components to cobble together a small off-grid PV system in 2008. He's been reporting on Australian and international solar energy news ever since.

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