Goulburn’s Community Solar Farm Project Progressing

Community solar project - Goulburn

Site of Goulburn’s community-owned solar farm | Image: CE4G

A proposed community majority-owned solar farm in Goulburn, New South Wales is expected to be built next year.

The 1.2MW clean power station, consisting of approximately 4,000 solar panels,  is to be constructed at a 2.5 hectare site east of the town centre that was previously used for residential and fuel storage purposes.

The solar farm is a Community Energy 4 Goulburn’s (CE4G‘s) first major project. Originally a subcommittee initiative of The Goulburn Group (TGG), CE4G was set up in 2014 to identify community energy project and partnership opportunities in the region.

A study into the feasibility of a community owned solar farm was completed in 2016, funded by $50,000 from the Community Energy Grants Program. Goulburn Mulwaree Council approved a development application for the facility in May this year and CE4G recently gained permission from Essential Energy to use necessary electricity infrastructure to connect the power station to the mains grid.

The project will have a minimum community ownership of 51% and be constituted as an unlisted public company. It seems getting to that 51% level won’t be a problem – according to the Sydney Morning Herald, CE4G has 800 expressions of interest from potential investors so far.

Once the governing entity has been registered and incorporated, an offer document will be sent to parties interested in investing.

It’s hoped that half of the solar farm’s electricity output will be sold to a single large customer, with the other half sold through an electricity retailer to the local community.

Other CE4G projects include a solar bulk buy program and a partnership with an energy retailer that will provide cheaper electricity prices to locals, plus provide some funding for the community solar farm.

There’s a great deal of interest in community solar across Australia, but projects need a helping hand to navigate the complexities of such ventures and raise funds.

Independent Member for Indi Cathy McGowan AO recently introduced the Renewable Energy Legislation Amendment (Supporting Renewable Communities) Bill 2017 to Parliament. Ms. McGowan stated community projects were a vital piece of a national approach to energy and called for more federal funding for initiatives across Australia.

Solar power is set to play an increasing role in providing clean, cheap energy in the Goulburn region. In September we reported Goulburn Mulwaree Council has set a target of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions 30% by 2020 based on 2005/2006 levels – and solar energy will feature prominently in assisting Council achieving this goal.

About Michael Bloch

Michael caught the solar power bug after purchasing components to cobble together a small off-grid PV system in 2008. He's been reporting on Australian and international solar energy news ever since.

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