SolarQuotes’ Finn Peacock On ABC Radio’s Nightlife

Finn Peacock - SolarQuotes - ABC Nightlife

Finn Peacock, founder of SolarQuotes appeared on the ABC radio program Nightlife last night.  I’m guessing you won’t be surprised to hear he talked about rooftop solar.  I’m not saying he’s getting predictable, but I didn’t think the chances of him talking about home coal generation were very high.

The host of Nightlife, Philip Clark, plugged Finn’s book The Good Solar Guide.  I recommend checking that out, as it’s a good read.  But only because I taught Finn everything he knows about writing.  Honest!1

Phillip started off with some questions about the basics of home solar power.  Finn answered with his charming British accent I happen to know he put a lot of effort into learning.  He even went to the extent of being born in Britain, which is a hell of a sacrifice to have made for us.  Listening to him you’d almost — but not quite — believe he used to be some sort of actor2.  Like that other dashing, eponymous, British performer:

If you think I’m only fulsomely praising his locution because he’s my boss then all I can say is I resemble that accusation.

But regardless of what you think of his dulcet tones, Finn did very well at answering Philip’s questions.  Right up until he was asked to explain voltage in simple terms.  That’s a tough question.  I don’t know how to explain it simply.  I don’t even know how to explain it complexly.  But Finn made a good attempt and did a better job than I would have.

In addition to talking to Philip, listeners called in with questions for Finn or texted them in.  I won’t go into the details because you can you can listen to it all here.  It’s a pretty good 50 minute general introduction to household solar.

Finn covers how much solar power has fallen in price, how quickly it can pay for itself, mentions batteries normally don’t pay for themselves yet, and answers a variety of questions from listeners.  I recommend checking it out.  Or don’t — that’s okay too.  But then you’ll never know if I’m fibbing and he actually does talk about generating electricity with a little home coal power station and the bracing effects of lungfuls of coal smoke in the morning.


  1. The invention of phonetic writing in the Sinai Peninsula in 1,500 BC — that was totally me.  I named it after some Vietnamese soup I invented the week before.
  2. Finn’s first and last TV acting role was as a school bully in ‘The Book Tower’ on Yorkshire TV in 1987. True story – you can watch him in action here
About Ronald Brakels

Joining SolarQuotes in 2015, Ronald has a knack for reading those tediously long documents put out by solar manufacturers and translating their contents into something consumers might find interesting. Master of heavily researched deep-dive blog posts, his relentless consumer advocacy has ruffled more than a few manufacturer's feathers over the years. Read Ronald's full bio.

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