A Helping Hand With Paying Electricity Bills

Electricity bill assistance - Australia
Dreading your next power bill? Perhaps you’ll struggle to pay it? Find out about new and expanded assistance in paying electricity bills in VIC, WA, NSW, SA and QLD.

In the months ahead, many Australian households (and businesses) will find it increasingly challenging to make ends meet due to local and global events continuing to pump up the prices of – well, just about everything. Included in this is significant hip pocket pain delivered via the power point as electricity prices rise in Western Australia, Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia and South-East Queensland.

Various state governments are providing some new and/or additional assistance, and that’s what is summarised below. But first:

Can’t Afford Solar? Maybe You Can

Installing a solar power system is a slam-dunk way for Australian households with suitable rooftops to slash or even obliterate their power bills.

The cost of solar panels is offset by the generous Australian solar rebate, which can knock thousands off the up-front price of a system. But even with that subsidy, finding the cash to get panels on your rooftop can be challenging. Financing a solar system can be a viable option, but there are pitfalls to avoid. Discover the best ways to finance a solar power system.

New South Wales

On Thursday, NSW Treasurer and Energy Minister Matt Kean said eligible households struggling to pay their energy bills will be able to access up to $1,600 a year in assistance under the Energy Accounts Payment Assistance (EAPA) program; up from $300 – $400. Eligible households can also apply for the Low Income Household Rebate, Gas Rebate, Family Energy Rebate and Seniors Energy Rebate.


Last Thursday, Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk announced all Queenslanders will receive a $175 Cost of Living Rebate on their next power bill. There’s no need to register for it as electricity retailers will automatically apply the credit.

Western Australia

On May 12, the McGowan Government announced a $400 Household Electricity Credit in the 2022-23 State Budget to assist with cost of living pressures. The payments will be made to Synergy and Horizon Power electricity accounts from July 2022.


From July 1, 2022, all Victorian households will be eligible for a one-off $250 Power Saving Bonus payment. There is a hoop to jump through – you’ll need visit the Victorian Energy Compare website and register on/after July 1.

South Australia

On Sunday, SA Premier Peter Malinauskas said Thursday’s state budget would include funding to increase the Cost of Living Concession payment. According to The Advertiser (paywall), a homeowner-occupier eligible for the payment will receive $449, while tenants and homeowner-occupiers who are self-funded retirees with a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card will receive $224.60. Further information on this payment and eligibility details/registration can be found here.

Struggling To Pay? Talk To Your Electricity Retailer

If you’re having problems paying a power bill, call your electricity retailer as soon as possible to discuss your options. All retailers have financial hardship programs that can connect you with assistance such as mentioned above – and while you’ll still need to pay your bill, it may be able to be spread over a longer period.

But an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Hardship programs and boosted assistance payments are only emergency measures for many. Look at simple (and not so simple) ways to improve household energy efficiency as a long term solution. And, if you can, reap the many benefits generating solar energy from your own rooftop will bring and say goodbye to high electricity bills forever.

About Michael Bloch

Michael caught the solar power bug after purchasing components to cobble together a small off-grid PV system in 2008. He's been reporting on Australian and international solar energy news ever since.

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