The Australian solar industry. It’s full of kind, generous people.
Do you love children?
I do.
And this is not a lead in to a stupid joke where I say, “…with tomato sauce”.
In fact, all things considered, I find children to be about exactly as annoying as I find adults. So if you’re human, no matter what your age, you’re okay as far as I am concerned.
Even if you are not human you’re still okay, but you might want to keep your distance from me if I haven’t eaten for a few days.
But on account of how humans come with a bundle of nurturing instincts, I feel particularly upset whenever I see a child suffering from illness. This is true for the children of friends and family and even for my own. The truth is I don’t like to think of any child suffering.
Getting sick when you’re a kid is horrible.
For kids whose medical conditions are serious and/or chronic things are really lousy, it is also really hard on their families.
Fortunately, there are charities that step in and help out sick kids and their families and TLC for Kids is one of them.
TLC For Kids
TLC for Kids has been helping sick children and their families since 1998. One of the ways they do this is to provide practical and emotional support for sick children within 24-48 hours of it being requested.
Another way the charity helps is by providing Distraction Boxes that contain games and toys that are suitable for a sterile hospital environment and are used to distract children while doctors and nurses jab them with painful, life saving procedures.
TLC for Kids specializes in helping children who have fallen through the cracks in the health care system. Personally, I would have thought that since families are having fewer children these days and our economy is extremely strong by developed nation standards, we would have filled in a lot of these cracks by now. But our nation is not where I hoped we would be at this point. So thank God for TLC for Kids. Or since this is a non-denominational article you can thank The Flying Spaghetti Monster if you like. I’m not picking sides.
Free Solar For TLC From Enphase, Suntech, And Living Energy Solutions
To help TLC for Kids continue to come to the aid of sick children and their families across Australia the companies Enphase, Suntech, and Living Energy Solutions have banded together to provide TLC’s headquarters in Brunswick West, Victoria, with a free 30 kilowatt rooftop solar system.
This is great news and very generous of the three companies involved. Especially since two of these companies are based overseas. Enphase could have decided to help children in the US and Suntech could have helped children in China. Or vice versa. But instead they decided to help out Australian kids, so thank you for that.
Living Energy Solutions is an Australian company and because getting the installation done is a huge part of the cost of any rooftop solar system, I’d like to particularly thank them for providing their services and helping the kids of Australia in this way. They are a much smaller company than Enphase or Suntech, so they really punched above their weight on this.
The Details Of TLC For Kids’ Free Solar System
The rooftop solar system will consist of 122 Suntech solar panels. Suntech produces high quality, tier 1 panels and I expect they will still be going strong after three decades.
An Enphase microinverter will be attached to each panel and these have a number of advantages over the more commonly used string inverters. Enphase microinverters are extremely reliable. In the United States they have a warranty of 25 years. In Australia it’s 10 years, but that’s probably only because they saw the size of our spiders and got scared.
[Actually, I’m being facetious it’s because Enphase offer a parts and labour warranty in Australia compared to a parts-only warranty in the US.]
The system will be designed by local legends Living Energy Solutions and installed in August.
It is expected the system will provide the TLC For Kids headquarters with almost all its electricity during the day and will save the charity approximately $350,000 over its lifetime.
Helping Children In More Ways Than One
This installation provides a double benefit to children. Not only will TLC for Kids have its electricity bill massively reduced and so have more funds to spend on helping children, Victoria is the state with the greatest amount of sickness resulting from fossil fuel generation, so reducing fossil fuel use with rooftop solar will help provide a healthier future for all the state’s children.
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