Finn’s a big fan of advanced solar power system monitoring, particularly the Australian-developed Solar Analytics solution. Here’s why. [Read more…]
Enphase IQ8 Microinverters Start Shipping (In North America)
True to its word, Enphase Energy has started IQ8 microinverter shipments – with a few days left in the year to spare. [Read more…]
Clive’s Carbon-Spewing Coal Burner Project Called In
It looks like Clive Palmer didn’t get the lump of coal in his stocking he may have been hoping for at Xmas. [Read more…]
Australian Solar Prices: December 2021 Update
The cost of home solar power systems increased across much of Australia in November, but not all states saw a price hike. [Read more…]
Rome Wasn’t Built In A Day, But Solar Farms Can Be
Clever Australian solar power technology enables the rapid deployment – and redeployment if required – of solar panels for large-scale installations. See the 5B Maverick system at work. [Read more…]
Big Bucks For Big Batteries In Australia
The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) has announced a $100 million competitive funding round for grid scale batteries. [Read more…]
Solar Polysilicon Prices Start To Plummet
In a bit of good news, the spot price for solar grade polysilicon is dropping quite rapidly. If the trend holds, the cost of solar panels in Australia should follow suit soon-ish. [Read more…]
Geelong Joins Cities Race To Zero
The City of Greater Geelong is signing on to the United Nations’ Cities Race to Zero climate action campaign. [Read more…]
Australia’s MIL-Solar Eclipse Inverter: An Installer’s Review
If you haven’t heard of the Australian-made MIL-Solar Eclipse inverter, you wouldn’t be alone. Find out more about this interesting solar inverter; manufactured in Melbourne. [Read more…]
Shonky Solar Begone? New Australian Regulations Become Law
New laws governing rooftop solar will help level the playing field and provide Australians buying solar power systems better protections. [Read more…]
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