Dynamic Operating Envelopes Recommendations Published

Dynamic operating envelopes - solar and batteries

A working group comprised of various energy and consumer bodies has released a report on the role of Dynamic Operating Envelopes (DOEs) in Australia’s future power system. [Read more…]

Daintree Solar Microgrid Funding Signed Off

Daintree community microgrid - Queensland

A solar power based microgrid for the Daintree community in Far North Queensland is all set to proceed, supported by an $18.75 million Federal Government grant. [Read more…]

Victorian Government Wants More Women Working In Solar

Solar careers for women

Solar Victoria’s Growing Our Clean Energy Workforce initiative is focusing on lifting participation of women in the state’s renewable energy industry. [Read more…]

Australian Solar Systems Interest Index: March 2022

SolarQuotes auSSII report - March 2022

Find out what Australians were wanting in solar and battery systems when requesting quotes during February in SQ’s March auSSII report. [Read more…]

Campbell Newman Continues Push For Nuclear Power In Australia

Campbell Newman - Nuclear power in Australia

Campbell Newman is busy spruiking the Liberal Democrats’ “Freedom Manifesto” and the party’s penchant for nuclear power in Australia. [Read more…]

Queensland-NSW Interconnector Project “On Track”

Queensland - New South Wales Interconnector upgrade project

The Queensland-NSW Interconnector (QNI) upgrade project is on track for completion by May 2022 says Transgrid. [Read more…]

US Coal Giant Peabody Energy Sees The Light. Sort Of.

Peabody Energy - solar power

While not exactly a road to Damascus moment, Peabody Energy’s foray into solar power after removing some of the coal dust crusting its eyes is an encouraging sign. [Read more…]

Regional Queensland Braces For Power Price Hike

Electricity prices in regional Queensland

A draft determination from the Queensland Competition Authority indicates regional Queenslanders will be paying more for electricity in 2022/23 – and big business will be hit particularly hard. [Read more…]

Powerhouse Brookvale Launches

Powerhouse Brookvale project

Image: Google Earth

An ambitious project is seeking to turn a commercial precinct within Sydney’s Northern Beaches area into Australia’s first urban renewable energy zone. [Read more…]

Daqo Solar Polysilicon “Fully Booked” For 2022

Daqo New Energy polysilicon

Solar polysilicon giant Daqo New Energy has announced another significant supply agreement and published its 2021 fourth quarter and fiscal year results. [Read more…]

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