Coal Power Plants Producing Less Electricity, Pumping More Pollution

Coal power plant pollution in Australia

New analysis of National Pollutant Inventory data indicates while some Australian coal power stations are generating less electricity, a number saw levels of toxic pollutants increase. [Read more…]

Bargara’s Community-Scale Tesla Battery System Nears Prime Time

Tesla Megapack - Bargara, Queensland

It won’t be long before a Tesla Megapack battery installation at Bargara near Bundaberg in Queensland starts soaking up locally-generated surplus solar power. [Read more…]

Victoria’s Mitchell Shire Joins Cities Power Partnership

Mitchell Shire - Cities Power Partnership

Solar power looks set to play a bigger role in Mitchell Shire Council’s efforts to further slash its carbon emissions. [Read more…]

Victorian EV Subsidy Update

Victoria's electric car subsidy

It’s been 11 months since Victoria’s Andrews Government launched its Zero Emissions Vehicle (ZEV) Subsidy – so how are things tracking with the program? [Read more…]

IPCC: Humanity At A Crossroads On Emissions

IPCC climate report

Without immediate and deep emissions reductions across the board, limiting global warming to 1.5°C will be beyond humanity’s reach says a new IPCC report. [Read more…]

LG Battery Recall Continues: Solax Power And Opal Storage Affected

LG Solar Battery recall

A new recall notice went up on the Australian Government’s Product Safety web site last Wednesday in relation to LG batteries utilised in some energy storage systems from a couple of other brands. [Read more…]

Another Big Tesla Powerwall Price Increase In Australia

Tesla Powerwall prices in Australia

Australians hankering after a Tesla Powerwall solar battery system will need to dig deeper into their pockets to buy one of the beasties. [Read more…]

Australian Solar Systems Interest Index: April 2022

SolarQuotes auSSII report - April 2022

The latest SolarQuotes auSSII report reveals a greater proportion of Australians wanting to fill their roofs with solar panels to make the most of their valuable rooftop real estate. [Read more…]

Australian Solar Farms As Wildlife Habitats

UNE solar farm

A researcher at New South Wales’ University of New England (UNE) is delving into the potential for renewable energy zones to also act as valuable wildlife habitats. [Read more…]

Solar Panels In U.S. Commerce Department’s Crosshairs Again

US Commerce Department solar panel inquiry

For a government that says it’s eager to hugely expand solar capacity and really tackle climate change, the Biden Administration is doing some pretty weird stuff. [Read more…]

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