The amount of solar energy capacity in place in the United States by the end of last year was 4,500 percent more than government experts forecast 10 years earlier.
Final Approvals For South Australia’s Bungala Solar Project
Bungala Solar Project | Image: Reach Energy
Enel Green Power has reportedly received final approvals for a major solar farm under construction near the South Australian city of Port Augusta.
North America’s Largest Electric Bus Factory Unveiled
On Friday, BYD officially opened its expanded battery-electric bus manufacturing facility in the U.S. city of Lancaster in southern California – and it’s fully powered by renewable energy.
Australian Solar System Interest Index – October 2017
This month’s Solar Quotes Australian Solar System Interest Index report includes some interesting new information on the preferences of Australians regarding price vs. quality of solar power systems.
Politics Holding Back Australia’s Energy Transition
Australia’s transition to a grid powered by renewable energy and supported by storage is only being held back by ongoing climate and energy policy deadlock states a new Climate Council report.
Solar Powered Urban Indoor Farm To Help Feed A City
An indoor vertical farm project powered by solar panels is being constructed in the heart of the U.S. city of Philadelphia.
NZ’s Powerco’s Base Power Using SimpliPhi Batteries
U.S. energy storage manufacturer SimpliPhi appears to have made its mark across the ditch with our Kiwi cousins.
Contract Awarded For Construction Of Yorke Peninsula Battery Project
Image: 1264187
ElectraNet has announced construction of its 30 MW large-scale battery at Dalrymple substation on South Australia’s Yorke Peninsula will be carried out Adelaide company Consolidated Power Projects (CPP).
Solar Retailer Code of Conduct Program Reaches Milestone
The Clean Energy Council’s Solar Retailer Code of Conduct initiative has welcomed the fiftieth solar company accepted into its program.
Solar Energy And Storage Helping With Puerto Rico Disaster Recovery
Hurricane Irma as it approached Puerto Rico | Image : NOAA
Residents of the Caribbean island of Puerto Rico are still reeling from the damage wreaked by two recent hurricanes, a situation further complicated by an ongoing lack of mains electricity.
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